
The Handwriting of John F. Kerry by Bob Wallace

The one thing that Kerry DOES NOT show in his signature, that Bush shows in his writing, is exaggerated imagination, which is shown by excessively large loops. In Bush’s case, it was in his lower loops, which deal with physical things. It’s why Bush imagined such things as Saddam Hussein flying “Drones of Death” across the Atlantic ocean.

Kerry essentially has no imagination at all. Again, I want to point out this is only according to his signature. Kerry is also less impulsive than Bush. Impulsiveness is shown by how far the writing slants to the right. It shows how much the writer is influenced by his feelings.

What I don’t get is why nobody has found a sample of his writingto analyze. Surely it’s out there. Geez.

  1. Man I would love to have my handwriting analyzed. I am not sure I buy into handwriting analyzation fully, but it is interesting none-the-less.

  2. Anonymously says:

    I know I don’t buy into the handwriting analysis (“graphology”) crap, but I’d still like to have it done. Entertainment value and all that.

    “Unfortunately for the graphologists, scientific research has found no clear correlation between handwriting behavior and basic personality patterns. Although some psychologists believe that the subject is worth further study, the existing research is almost uniformly inconclusive or negative.”

    “Graphology is claimed to be useful for everything from understanding health issues, morality and past experiences to hidden talents and mental problems.* However, “in properly controlled, blind studies, where the handwriting samples contain no content that could provide non-graphological information upon which to base a prediction (e.g., a piece copied from a magazine), graphologists do no better than chance at predicting… personality traits….” [“The Use of Graphology as a Tool for Employee Hiring and Evaluation,” from the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association] And even non-experts are able to correctly identify the gender of a writer about 70% of the time (Furnham, 204).”

  3. John C. Dvorak says:

    great links, thanks

  4. Axel Kassel says:

    The “drones of death” are for real: I just listened to an audio compilation of Kerry speeches.

  5. John C. Dvorak says:



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