Urban Legends Reference Pages: Crime (Triangle of Life)
This lengthy advice by an “expert” is analyzed by Snopes. When I read it I liked the advice since it matched the way things went some years ago when we had a quake.
Urban Legends Reference Pages: Crime (Triangle of Life)
This lengthy advice by an “expert” is analyzed by Snopes. When I read it I liked the advice since it matched the way things went some years ago when we had a quake.
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As much as the Copp sounds like he’s generally full of it, the criticisms of his suggestions as to what one should do in an earthquake weren’t particularly definitive. Indeed, most of it focused on the fact he’s a liar, rather than on how terrible his advice allegedly is. And in several cases, the “questioners” of his advice concede that he’s right in some places, and merely exaggerates others.
Basically, I was expecting more of a smackdown of his advice, but got more of a “well, we disagree with his ideas, but it’s hard to say what is the _best_, most foolproof, thing to do in during an earthquake.”