Am I seeing what I think I’m seeing on the camouflage on these USMC helicopters?
Hidden message perhaps??
via CH
By John C Dvorak Friday September 17, 2004
Am I seeing what I think I’m seeing on the camouflage on these USMC helicopters?
Hidden message perhaps??
via CH
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At first I thought this a harmless steam-off-letting sort of prank, but then I realized that I had *immediately* recognized the, ummm, human shapes. This seems like it might be a tragically poor place for such a display, since camoflage is supposed to “look like nothing.” I hope nobody actually gets hurt because of this.
In this day and age, its easy to belive it is a photoshop’d spoof – but “I wouldn’t put it past’em” for actually doing it, either. ๐
Who would ever see it, on the ground, other than people in the unit?
This reminds me of a book I read many years ago– might have been late ’70s– perhaps titled Media Sexploitation.
The premise of the book was that there is sexual graphics embedded in very many things you come across every day– even the pattern on a Ritz cracker was supposed to contain sexual content. Supposedly, the subconscious would pick it up even if the conscious mind did not.
It was fascinating reading at the time. Only problem was that I began to notice that if I applied the same eagle eye to things which I knew *not* to contain sexual data, I would *still* find patterns. For example, I would look at a photograph of trees and see patterns in the foliage. That didn’t disprove the thesis, but I came away wondering to what extent the thesis was valid.
That said, I see what you are talking about. And once seen, it is difficult to think that it was not intentional. Especially since it appears on *2* separate helicopters.
I understand Jim’s point (post #1), but I think imprinting the word MARINES on the craft would be the bigger giveaway. ๐
For KB,
I remember that stuff, as well. A title I remember was “Subliminal Seduction” – which evaluated all sorts of pictures in media and advertising.
The famous picture/poster of Farah Fawcett – with the letters “S – E – X” formed in her hair!
The review of all the smoking ads – with cigarettes pointing upwards cited as intentional phallic symbolism.
All the words and pictures in ice-cube reflections – in liquor ads.
Ah, the good old days! ๐
And, I agree – if it is close enough to clearly see the woman, you can also read “Marines” – let alone hear the damn engines and rotor-noise.
Yes, you are.
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I passed this along to a bud of mine who happens to be a Marine on active duty, right now — and he was very clear about paint on helos, whether it’s there for corrosion control or bemusing hostile fire. It is never placed casually or indiscriminately.
Someone decided on those patterns.
Maybe this is a fake picture. Who is CH? I spotted a black helicopter once. The thing looked all tricked out, like something from the movies. I know, nobody cares.
Followup for Mike Voice–
I think this is the book I read (Media Sexploitation):
I notice on the cover that Media Sexpolitation was the SEQUEL to the book “Subliminal Seduction” that you mentioned. Based on your descriptions and my own memories, it sounds like he repeated himself a lot in the sequel. LOL
Continuing our hi-jack of this thread…
Love the link! A 1977 (7th printing!) paperback – and he’s asking $30??
There seemed to have been a cottage-industry of books on the subject. Mainly falling into two areas – 1. Print ads being used to effect our subconcious motives for buying products, and 2. (more insidious) the quick flashes of pictures in movies and TV shows which would accomplish similar goals. More insidious, because there was no proof they had been used, or were being used – unlike magazine ads which could be endlessly flogged (excuse me, examined) for confirmation of the theory.
Taken to the logical (?) conclusion by Michael Crichton in the movie “Looker”.
One review:
And now that you mention it, there was an episode of Columbo in which a victim was lured from his theatre seat with subliminal techniques. Columbo turns the tables on the murderer, using the same technique to get the murderer to show him where he hid the murder “weapon.”
I’m glad we started this thread; I was beginning to think John’s blog was rather pointless. ๐
Pointless? Thanks. Now I feel like a true blogger!!
In our politically correct military, this is about as close to WWII nose art as they can get away with these days.
I’m looking for a large quainty of camo netting, either bulk bolts of material or large pieces the milttary uses to hide tanks, fuel or ammo dumps and artilly batteries.
there were 8 helos in all that werer painted like thi, it was in the first gulf war in an undisclosed location in the middle east, i know because i painted them,i was with hmh-466 and we decided to have some fun with the new camo sceme, i would like to know where these pics came fom and how i may contact them seeing how it was someone i served with, any help would be great. i am glad people like them though we had fun doing them