ABCNEWS Busts CBS An example of the networks going after each other.
Sept. 14, 2004 — Two of the document experts hired by CBS News say the network ignored concerns they raised prior to the broadcast of a report citing documents that questioned George W. Bush’s service in the National Guard during the Vietnam War.
Even assuming that the documents are forged, it doesn’t follow that Mr. Bush didn’t skate on service time. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
On the other hand, who cares?
It’s amazing to me that the ‘Swiftboat Veterans for Bush’ can create the environment where it’s worse to have received a Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts than to avoid service Stateside as Mr. Bush has admitted to in at least one interview. He’s not even apologetic about it.
Another issue yet to be properly dealt with relates to Bush’s cocaine use.
How long had he been using cocaine before his arrest? And how long after?
Was he using it when he publicly supported Reagan’s War on Drugs?
I don’t care if W skipped on some service. I probably would have if given the chance.
I don’t care if Kerry got a medal he did not deserve. If it got me home earlier I might have done the same.
Let’s get on to the real issues. I do think this is all Kerry’s fault for wrapping himself in his military service.
Speaking of a pattern of illegal activity on the part of Bush, I wonder if the media in the US are reporting the recent BBC interview with Kofi Annan in which the Secretary General says that the Iraq War was illegal: here.