Fuji gives photographers the two-finger salute | The Register — Laughable PR gaffe with this press photo.

Those not familiar with this very British gesture can rest assured that it is favoured for deployment from car windows during moments of road rage and usually results in a good old punch-up, if not a fatal stabbing.

via W. Gilbreath

  1. Mike Voice says:

    I remember my initial confusion – when watching “Red Dwarf” – when Lister and Rimmer would make that gesture, sometimes with both hands.

    Luckily, a friend explained it to me, so I could get the joke. 🙂

  2. lynda says:

    What is the ‘two finger’ salute and what does it mean, specifically. I’m in canada and haven’t heard of it until today – the one-finger salute is here to stay. Is there any different meaning from the single finger?

  3. Mark says:

    Im from the Uk and anyways, Last night after a few jars I gave the two finger salute to a policeman I was subsequently arrested and have been charged with a public order offence. I knew it stemmed for the hundred year wars, where the British Longbow Archers were having a great effect in decimating the French army so What the french would do to them (allegedly) was to “cut off” their Index and middle fingers so that they wouldnt be able to pick up a bow again. So on the battle field the Archers would raise their fingers to the french as a taunt?


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