Carlyle group set to invest $125 mn in India
I love the way all these big companies talk a big game about Patriotism.
The Carlyle Group plans to invest $125 million in India over the next 3-5 years
“Though fewer deals were signed this year, they were big in size,” said one VC.
VCs also argued that while most venture capital investment was coming in areas like IT and IT-enabled services, the potential of sectors like retail and media entertainment for attracting VC funding was quite high too. Said Reliance Entertainment’s Amit Khanna, “Around $200 million worth of private equity have already been invested in the media and entertainment sector, and $100 million of such funding is expected over the next couple of years.” This year’s hit movie Saathiya was produced by a VC-funded company called Kaleidoscope Entertainment.
Hmm. I was always under the impression that none of the VCs ever wanterd to touch m a movie deal. I guess they don’t want to touch any American movie deals.
The latest dumb political decison to outsource comes from Nebraska. The state has decided to upgrade [as in SP2?] the IT department handling unemployment questions for the state. This is like 15 people. You’d think it might be a nice touch to hire 15 out-of-work Nebraskans with computing experience for the gig?
Un-unh. They put it out to bid and awarded the contract to a company that’s bringing in15 or so folks — from India — to do the work!
About as bright as the Bush-supporters who hired an outsourced market research firm from India to do their telephone polling. Can you imagine, say, an out-of-work steelworker in Cleveland getting a call from someone in the Punjab who’s pretendeing to be in Houston? And asking if you’ll support George W. Bush?