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A reminder that the Democrats and Bush-bashers have a much better sense of humor than the Conservatives. Of course this kind of thing will have zero influence on the election but will make the Kerry followers feel better. This site is now so deep and full of gags that it’s frightening. Perhaps they should actually help Kerry write his dull speeches. Geez. I saw his remarks in Ohio. Someone needs to tell him when to stop talking.

09.02.2004: President’s Nomination Acceptance Speech to 2004 Republican Convention Unveiling Highly Detailed Plans for Tons More Good and Way Less Evil: “And so in just eight short weeks, America will face a choice: my opponent John Kerry, who speaks French and eats aborted fetuses for breakfast %u2013 or me, who talks regular and isn’t some fussy little priss who needs to wash his hands every time he takes a whizz.”

  1. Tom says:

    Doesn’t a good sense of humor include an ability to laugh at one’s self as well as poke fun at others? Yeah, the site is humorous, but feels like the kind of humor you’d read at The Onion or MrCranky, which has more than a lick of leftist self-righteousness (if that makes sense!), and is sophomoric. This is the kind of thing that puts me off the Democratic party right now – alot of self-indulgence from the ranks and mealy-mouthed talk from the top. I don’t hear any really progressive thinking that we should expect from this party. Yeah, the target is easy, and the itch should be scratched. Oh, where’s Pat Moynihan when you need him!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Dvorak’s rule of journalism … if a topic is hot, write tons of articles about it.

    Dvorak’s implicit admission = Bush is a hot number and people like reading about him. Defacto admission = Dvorak is best when he makes snide comments so all of the Bush blogging has to be negative.

    [Btw … Clinton told Kerry to stop talking about Vietnam, it’s about efff’in time. Maybe Kerry will have a campaign and figure out what his plan is. Right now I can’t name one reason to vote for John Kerry other than “he’s not Bush”, which is not enough of a reason for those like me. Bush Vs. Kerry = Moron vs. Boron. ]

  3. Anonymous says:

    Or maybe Dvorak is doing all the anti-Bush articles because he got drunk and placed some big online gaming bets that Kerry would win the presidency and now’s he’s sweatin’ it big time.

    [This is my back up theory. Besides, John likes crackpot posts like these.]

  4. John C. Dvorak says:

    Nice try…only an idiot bets when drunk. I avoid getting drunk and I avoid gambling unless it’s a sure thing. This theory of yours is crap. Fact is I have yet to place a bet. I will. But not yet. I should mention that I have never lost a political bet EVER. I can’t see how Kerry can lose this unless the entire mechanism of his running is designed for Hillary 2008. Would all you Conservatives want that? I wonder.

  5. John Ryle says:

    It’s hard NOT to make fun of Bush. He’s such an idiot, it’s painful. When people like Blair say, “no, REALLY, he’s smart”, it boggles the mind–it’s just so unbelievable. It makes one wonder how smart Blair is….

    I mean, surely… SURELY a country as great as the USA deserves a president with half a brain.

    No, Bush is RIPE for poking fun at. And maybe the jokes help more people deal with the fact that such a moron is president.

  6. Mike Voice says:

    I mean, surely… SURELY a country as great as the USA deserves a president with half a brain.

    Isn’t that what we have? 🙂

    Bush Vs. Kerry = Moron vs. Boron

    My favorite kind of humor, fair and balanced. 🙂


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