The Million more in poverty in US . This story seems suppressed here. And downplayed. Where is that liberal media bias anyway??

The US Census Bureau announced that the number of people living in poverty — individuals on incomes below $US9573 ($13,483) or families of four below $US18,660 — had risen to 35.8 million or 12.5 per cent of the population — up from from 34.5 million or 12.1 per cent in 2002.

Children suffered the most, with almost 13 million or 17.6 per cent below the poverty line, compared with 16.7 per cent two years ago. Twice as many blacks — 24.4 per cent — were poor.

In another headache for Mr Bush, the report showed the number of Americans without healthcare had risen to 45 million from 43.6 million in 2002.

  1. Jim Dermitt says:

    Sept. 2, 2004 — An enigmatic radio signal picked up three times from the same area of the sky is a candidate for a call from intelligent alien life, according to New Scientist magazine.

    We’ve been using computers to find ET life and they are using radios. I wonder if they have Napster. This could create new jobs here on Earth. Maybe the FCC can license the aliens and we can open a studio for Rush Limbaugh on Mars. Florida is being evacuated! Somethings cost something, some cost nothing and others cost you everything. Now we have jobs. You do the math!

  2. amj2001 says:

    that’s why we in europe have fought for our social security, in america it is curse to have a financial backup, it is like the 20-30ties again revisted constantly in the unites states…..

    we do not want that kind of society overhere….

    it is shame that the wealthiest nation on earth has the most poor in percentages….

  3. Mike Voice says:


    I see this as a good rebuttal to a comment someone left, in regards to one of your earlier posts.

    That comment was to the effect that the economy was doing well, because people were buying cars and homes in large numbers i.e. “When is the last time you saw a car over 7 years-old?”

    They don’t mention that home sales were up due to record-low interest rates, or that car sales are helped by the lower rates and by the rebate/discount deals that are costing the car companies a large chunk of their profits.

    Neither of which factors I see as a sign of a healthy economy.

  4. Mariliz says:

    I think that Bush is similar to Hitler and that he should be impeached.


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