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Microsoft Security Chief Interview

Security is really an industry-wide problem. Just this morning I had to install an update to Firefox to block a flaw that would’ve allowed an attacker to run a program on my system. We’re working around the clock to make Internet Explorer safer, and we’re making changes with our Windows XP Service Pack 2 to make browsing a lot more secure.

via J. Wlmark: “Microsofts head of security has accidentally admitted to using Mozilla’s firefox here in this wired magazine interview: ‘War on bugs'”

  1. Woody says:

    That doesn’t prove anything. I use both browsers personally. What’s wrong with checking out the competition anyway.

  2. Henry says:

    That doesn’t necessarily mean that he uses it. I’m sure its good business practice to know your competitors products.

  3. Michael says:

    And you never read your competition, to see what they’re up to?

    I’m a Firefox believer, but I don’t know what the big deal is about this.

  4. Crush says:

    Ha! The big deal is this guy just got sent to outer Mongolia by Bill Gates. Sucks to be him, but atleast he has a decent browser.

  5. Mike Voice says:

    The format of the article is crappy. It appears he is making this “admission” in answer to a leading statement from the interviewer.

    From the article:

    Meanwhile, Firefox and Opera look awfully appealing.
    Security is really an industry-wide problem. Just this morning I had to install an update to Firefox to block a flaw that would’ve allowed an attacker to run a program on my system.

    end quote

    If the interviewer’s question/statement is in bold, the Security Chief’s answer seems to be that IE isn’t the only browser with security issues – since Firefox needed a recent security update.

    He still doesn’t answer why M$ is able to shutdown the malicious Russian website – but hasn’t fixed IE to prevent similar malicious attacks. They’ve treated the symptom, not the disease.


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