Microsoft Security Chief Interview
Security is really an industry-wide problem. Just this morning I had to install an update to Firefox to block a flaw that would’ve allowed an attacker to run a program on my system. We’re working around the clock to make Internet Explorer safer, and we’re making changes with our Windows XP Service Pack 2 to make browsing a lot more secure.
via J. Wlmark: “Microsofts head of security has accidentally admitted to using Mozilla’s firefox here in this wired magazine interview: ‘War on bugs'”
That doesn’t prove anything. I use both browsers personally. What’s wrong with checking out the competition anyway.
That doesn’t necessarily mean that he uses it. I’m sure its good business practice to know your competitors products.
And you never read your competition, to see what they’re up to?
I’m a Firefox believer, but I don’t know what the big deal is about this.
Ha! The big deal is this guy just got sent to outer Mongolia by Bill Gates. Sucks to be him, but atleast he has a decent browser.
The format of the article is crappy. It appears he is making this “admission” in answer to a leading statement from the interviewer.
From the article:
Meanwhile, Firefox and Opera look awfully appealing.
Security is really an industry-wide problem. Just this morning I had to install an update to Firefox to block a flaw that would’ve allowed an attacker to run a program on my system.
end quote
If the interviewer’s question/statement is in bold, the Security Chief’s answer seems to be that IE isn’t the only browser with security issues – since Firefox needed a recent security update.
He still doesn’t answer why M$ is able to shutdown the malicious Russian website – but hasn’t fixed IE to prevent similar malicious attacks. They’ve treated the symptom, not the disease.