New Republican

Yes, there is entertainment everywhere. Alice Cooper calls rock stars “traitors” for pushing Kerry. Well, traitors to “Rock and Roll.” The radio talk show guys left out the rock and roll part and just loved to call everyone who doesn’t agree with them “traitors” and kind of left it at that. I heard this twice driving around today. (Yes, I love talk radio, having worked in it to a small degree and see some interesting changes ahead). Personally I find it abhorrent that so many of these “personalities” think that it’s OK to call everyone a “traitor” who even thinks about voting against Bush. It’s disgusting. And, worse, it trivializes the entire concept of a traitor. “That man drinks skim milk. He’s a traitor! He’s anti-American. He should be hung.” Meanwhile, Alice Cooper, an apparent Republican, did have some apt comments.

“If you’re listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you’re a bigger moron than they are. Why are we rock stars? Because we’re morons. We sleep all day, we play music at night and very rarely do we sit around reading the Washington Journal.”

“Besides,” he continued, “when I read the list of people who are supporting Kerry, if I wasn’t already a Bush supporter, I would have immediately switched. Linda Ronstadt? Don Henley? Geez, that’s a good reason right there to vote for Bush.”

Bush Coin

This pro-Bush site which admits it’s traitor list is a parody (kind of), exemplifies the casual use of the word to stifle dissent. It’s really insulting to the swing voters who don’t give a rats ass about the “regulars” in the Democratic party, but find this sort of thing highly unamerican and offensive. Actually it’s just plain creepy. Is it really a joke, or are good Americans supposed to kill these people? Shoot them. You know, like those gun-down lists of abortion doctors that show up on the Internet. “Hey, it’s just for informational purposes!! We didn’t tell anyone to bomb the guy.” Don’t forget that just a few years ago the biggest joke hat going around was a redneck-style baseball cap that said “Have you shot a Liberal today?” Isn’t this what the skinheads do? I expect the Republican campaign to get creepier and creepier over the next few months, sorry to say.

related links:

Lest you think this game is owned by the Republican talk show hosts and websites, there are a tonnage of crackpot Democratic sites calling everyone traitors too. Here’s a typical example.

Alice Coopers Homepage
Other biography

  1. Jim Dermitt says:

    A guy once called himself ‘the Boot’ and his act was dubbed ‘Republican Punk.’ He ended up getting booted by the voters, who were the ultimate patriots. The rest are ‘punks’ and the funding was called ‘outright fraud.’

  2. Anonymously says:

    As silly as it is to engage idiots like Cooper and ludicrous argument, Bruce Springsteen, Mr. “Born in the U.S.A.”, is doing concerts for and Kerry. He’s a traitor too?

  3. Mike Voice says:

    I like the fact that you were “Fair & Balanced” – by stating some pro-Democrat (anti-Republican?) sites are doing it, too. 🙂

  4. Anonymously says:

    Cooper says he meant “treason against Rock & Roll” …


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