cave man
St. John the Baptist?

John the Baptist — Cave Man? . While the Chinese were highly advanced, and the Egyptians had long since built huge monuments you’d think the early Christians were wearing loinclothes and grunting. Here they find John the Baptists cave. His cave? He lived in a cave? Or he baptised people in the cave? Why couldn’t he do this stuff in someone’s house? Because the Romans had hidden mics and cameras everywhere? I mean really.

Israel is a very small country and combed over. How do they keep finding this stuff?

Over the centuries, the cave filled with mud and sediment, leaving only a tiny opening that was hidden by trees and bushes. Yet in recent years, it had occasional visitors – Reuven Kalifon, an immigrant from Cleveland who teaches Hebrew at the kibbutz, took his students spelunking.

  1. Noogle says:

    Let’s consider that – it makes sense. I mean, the man had to live somewhere, and I’m pretty sure we’ll find an ancient river somewhere in the area.

    These were the wild west days of Christianity where wild-haired diciples travelled from town to town and avatars and prophets hung around rivers. Besides, didn’t Bhudda also spend lots of time in a cave too? Maybe he and John had a co-op deal going…

  2. Ed Campbell says:

    It gets predictable. Gibson, who gave an “exclusive” interview to AP — also gave an “exclusive” interview to Reuters. He must have scheduled reporters on a shuttle bus to keep up with the “exclusives”.

    In one of the interviews, he also said there was a possibility Jesus somebody slept there.

    His book happens to be released, this weekend.


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