Bulletin: RSS on blog seems to go down every so often due to an internal parser being unable to cope with certain characters typically brought in from an alien source as a cut-and-paste. I’ll try to resolve this, but it seems to be a flaw in the auto-RSS design.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

  1. Adrian says:

    That’s OK… You can actually fix most of this by going into WP then clicking on the main “Options” tab, then under that by clicking on the “Reading” sub-tab. Under the “Syndication Feeds” section, select the “summary” radio button for the “For each article, show:” option.

    Right now your blog is putting the full text of your post in the rss feed, which isn’t a bad thing per-se, but if you select “summary” then it will only include the first x amount of characters of the post, or show the excerpt field if you put anything in there.

    The down-side to doing the summary option (if you can call it a downside) is that now to read the full post most people will have to actually click on the “read more” link in their RSS readers and actually visit your site versus having the full text right there in the reader.

    I personally prefer the summary option because it allows me to more accurately track how many people are actually reading my posts.

    Just some food for thought.

  2. John C. Dvorak says:

    I actully had started with summaries..then a slew of readers wanted full text so I changed..I’ll return temporarily to summary BUT it’s too bad the user cannot choose rather than me dictate

  3. Dotan Dimet says:

    I don’t think that resorting to summaries will really prevent the problem – there’s always the possibility that those “alien characters” will show up in the begining of a post.


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