What’s wrong with this picture?

Here’s the blog entry from Craigslist owner Craig Newmark. He seems happy as a clam. “They like me, they really do!”

Like craigslist, eBay is about helping folks get everyday stuff done, on a level playing field – they emphasize trustworthiness and reputation, and try really hard to listen to people. Basically, we’re both about building community, and humanizing and democratizing the ‘net, and there’s gotta be more of that. — from Craigs blog

Pathetic. This is going to be a mistake for this homespun operation I can assure you. The financial details may be in the eBAY annual report, they said it has little impact meaning they got it for nothing. According to this report on ClickZ News, eBAY actually got the stake from someone else — not Craig, kind of the way Starbucks gets properties.

Ebay bought out an existing shareholder who had once been a Craigslist employee. Financial terms weren’t disclosed.

Make sure to reread the post on Paypal here. It’s gives you some insight on “humanizing the net.”

  1. Jim Dermitt says:

    Humanizing the Net!

    It’s not like there aren’t millions of people on the Net democratizing it already. The Net seems like it is self humanizing already. I guess the real idea is corporatizing the Net, since a corporation is legally a fictional person with legal rights like a real person. It just doesn’t have an ass to kick or a soul to damn. A corporation is a great tool for going bankrupt in somebody elses name, even if that somebody else is just a corporate shell with a legal identity. Financial terms will be disclosed at a later time, like after all the investors all get fleeced and a judge orders the disclosure of the financial details. By the time it ends up in court, countless dollars will have been lost in cyberspace. The lawyers should all make out well, so all isn’t lost. Finding stuff online is simple and fast! Losing money online is catching up fast. Go figure!

  2. jeff says:

    Oh, please buy my site too 🙂 It does cover some of what craigslist does
    Free Local Classifieds

  3. Jim says:

    Uno non perde la fede. Cessa semplicemente di informare. Quella č vita.

  4. Mike says:

    According to what I read, Pierre Omidyarin (eBay) discussed the sale of a 25% interest from one of Craigslist’s employee investors who wanted to cash out with Craig Newmark over a period of weeks so both sides would be comfortable with the transaction. Both parties agreed to the terms and the former employee cashed out. That makes sense, its the comfort factor.
    Like craigslist.org, we at rentnet.org do the online listing of house rentals and respond well to a comfort factor in business dealings.

  5. Bolls says:

    You say “This is going to be a mistake”

    Can you tell me what came of it? We don’t see any negative impact at all and it’s been 2 years.

    What was the basis for your statement? Just making stuff up?


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