So I’m floating around the web and I run into this experiment called a GoMeme. And it’s based on doing a Google search for :


(who dreams this stuff up?)

Once you search on that string you get taken to the experiment — which is now here — (read the block quote below). It’s designed to create a chain-letter effect to attract attention to your blog or whatever. Now this obviously has nothing to do with actually producing a cool web log. It’s just a propagation experiment. Nobody is calling it a chain-letter except me (yet). But that seems to be what it is. Since no money is involved or prayers or curses I figured I’d sneak into the game and see what comes of it. Follow the instructions below if you want to take part.

Copy This GoMeme From This Line to The End of this article, and paste into your blog. Then follow the instructions below to fill it out for your site.

Steal This Post!!!! This is a GoMeme– a new way to spread an idea along social networks. This is the second generation meme in our experiment in spreading ideas. To find out what a GoMeme is, and how this experiment works, or just to see how this GoMeme is growing and discuss it with others, visit the Root Posting and FAQ for this GoMeme at .

By adding this GoMeme to your Weblog you can get higher Google rankings for your site, and help your friends get higher Google rankings too. Your blog will be linked from every other blog that discovers this GoMeme downstream from your blog (from your readers, their readers, and so on). And that will raise your Google rankings in proportion to the number of downstream bloggers that get this GoMeme from you and post it to their blogs. The more people who blog the GoMeme from your blog, the better your Google rankings will get.

By hosting this meme on your blog, you will also be participating in an experiment to generate a distributed Blog survey and test how memes spread through social networks. The dataset from this experiment is public, open and decentralized — every blog that participates hosts their own data about their own blog. Anyone can then get the whole dataset by just searching Google for this unique string: 98818912959q This code is the “global unique identifier,” or GUID for this GoMeme — it marks every web page that participates in this GoMeme so that it can later be found with all the others. (Note it may take a week or longer before Google indexes your blog, so be patient).


This is purely an experiment and is just for fun. We are really just curious to see what will happen and this is not a commercial project. Participation is voluntary. We don’t mean to annoy anyone. However, if you don’t have much curiosity, or at least a sense of humor, you may find this experiment to be upsetting. In that case, you might try drinking a good strong cup of coffee. If after that you are still unhappy with us, just don’t read any further and have a great day! (If you don’t want your blog to get better Google rankings, that’s purely your choice!) On the other hand, if you are interested in exploring new technologies and pushing the envelope, then keep reading and we look forward to your participation in this experiment. We also request that participants in this experiment refrain from spamming anyone with this GoMeme. To spread it, just put it on your blog; that should be enough.


Step 1 First, to add your site to this experiment, copy the GoMeme to your site from the “Copy This GoMeme From Here” heading above to the End of this article. Please copy this whole article and try not to alter the text so that it is authentic for the people who get it from your blog. If you would like to come up with your own catchy headline, or anything else to help your GoMeme spread, feel free! Let’s see what works best.

Step 2: Now, fill in your answers to these Required Survey Fields (Note: Replace the answers below with your own answers). These will later be automatically data-mined by bots to compile the survey results.

(1) I found this GoMeme at URL:

(2) I found this GoMeme on date (day/month/year):03/08/04

(3) I found this GoMeme at time (in GMT format): 01:00:00

(4) I foundit via “Newsreader Software” or “Browsing the Web” or “Searching the Web” or “An E-Mail Message”: Browsing the Web

(5) I posted this GoMeme at my URL (use a hyperlink): Dvorak Uncensored
(6) I posted this on date (day/month/year): 03/08/04

(7) I posted this at time (in GMT format): 01:00:00

(8) My posting location is (city, state, country): Berkeley, California, USA

Step 3: If you’re feeling very altruistic today, also fill in these optional survery fields (Replace the answers below with your own answers):

(9) My Weblog is hosted by: WordPress

(10) My age is: 100

(11) My gender is: Male

(12) My occupation is: cynic

(13) I use the following RSS/Atom reader software: RSS Reader

(14) I use the following software to post to my blog: WordPress

(15) I have been blogging since (day, month, year): never

(16) My web browser is: Firefox

(17) My operating system is: Windows XP

Step 4:Now add an entry for your site after the last entry in the PATH LIST below:
Your entry should be of the form: line number, URL, hyperlink, optional personal GUID for your blog.

(Note: If you would like to track all postings of the Meme that result from your posting of it, once Google has indexed them, you may add your own optional GUID after your hyperlink on your line of the Path List — just make sure it is short, unique, and doesn’t return any results on Google — for example “mysitename137a2r28”. Also note, if the path list gets too long, you should still try to include the whole path in your blog — even if you have to put the list on a continuation page rather than the excerpt for your posting — and make sure others copy the whole GoMeme along with your Path List when they get the GoMeme from you — If they don’t copy it, your blog and your upstream blogs won’t be linked from their blogs).


1. Minding The Planet, mindingtheplanet14798
2. Dvorak Uncensored, dvorakuncensored9999
3. Add yours here

The End

You did it! Now spread it! If all goes well and others find this GoMeme from your blog, you should see some interesting results. Please comment back on the original post and tell us how you’re doing or what you observe, if anything noteworthy happens.

  1. Big Mac Attack: Will work for food…

    Hundreds of student volunteers who were paid only in soda and pizza for their labor on the after school project. They ate between 600 and 700 pizzas while building Virginia Tech’s “Big Mac” supercomputer. which operates at 9.55 trillion operations a second, or 9.55 teraflops.

    Here is the secret of supercomputing. Forget the IPO’s and venture capital market, just call Pizza Hut. The people working on Big Mac pulled off miracles and opened locked doors. It is anticipated that Virginia Tech will realize at least a five to one return on the 600-700 pizzas, which could mean3,500 pizzas. Having a pizza shop near Virginia Tech could start a boom in the economy car market and mean more pizza delivery jobs and gas station in the area.

    Rumor has it that the Big Mac is being upgraded and meanwhile students are networking iPods with Linux and developing Macster, a new music swapping service designed around free music downloads and file sharing. This group appears more interested in hamburgers, Linux and free beer according to researchers at Virginia Tech. This could mean more McDonalds and beer distributors and spell doom for the music stores in the area.

    The 24th TOP500 List will be released during SC2004 in Pittsburgh, PA, November 6-12, 2004.


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