Nader Looks on
So this pic is floating around the net showing Michael Moore and Bill “We’re the cowards” Maher begging Nader to drop out of the Presidential race. So much for the Progressive and the Libertarian monikers for these two guys. We need more choices, not less. After whomever is elected I can predict that both these guys will be complaining that the two political parties are the same and the election did no good (no matter what happens).

  1. For some people, a life online is better than the real thing, because you can be more than you are in real life. In June last year, for example, Sim mobs turned up on virtual doorsteps, demanding protection money – payable in the online currency, simoleans. Don’t think that is trivial: right now, one million simoleans trades for $22 on the auction website eBay. Maybe Ralph should be raising simoleans and campaigning on eBay.

  2. Mike says:

    Once again Michael Moore and his ilk are begging someone to surrender.

  3. SR Nelson says:

    Ralph overSIMplifies his case. I haven’t seen any evidence that John Kerry and George W. Bush would nominate indistinguishable judges to the Supreme Court. Until it’s not a zero-sum game it is a zero-sum game.

  4. K B says:

    You do have an eye for irony, John: “So much for the Progressive and the Libertarian monikers for these two guys.”

    I remember many many years ago in high school, a teacher (from Stuttgart, Germany) asking which western countries they believed to have the most diverse system of political parties. Almost everyone believed the United States was #1. After all, isn’t that what we’ve always been taught?

  5. Ed Campbell says:

    Marty — didn’t mean to get too polysyballic for you, dude.

  6. Michael says:


    I caught part of the Green Party Convention where one of their people gave a speech about how the Democrats have been saying for years that, only more election and then you can vote for your candidate. But that election never comes.

    Life is too short to keep waiting for Terry McAuliffe to give you permission to think for yourself.

  7. jeff wilkinson says:

    FWIW, there was a good talk with Nader on the Diane Rehm ( NPR program today (8/5/04). He does speak well for why he’s still in and why he’s not a ‘spoiler’ as he’s often accused recently.

    He certainly has good points about how the Repubs and Dems are so close in most things and so firmly entrenched in the electoral system now that there is a real need for a 3rd party to push them on real issues… even if he never gets elected.

  8. Chris ScottHanson says:

    Suggestion to Nader, et al…

    Although I did not much care for the Canadian political system when I lived there a few years ago, I must admit that we need to consider their multi-party system. (Also Brit and Aussie I understand.)

    No presidential elections. Only local representative elected. Your rep then participates in electing “Prime Minister” via a multi-party collaborative effort, since no one party usually controls the now multi-party congress.

    We need to seriously consider this as a superior form of democracy.


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