Last October-November I was able to buy a top-0-the-line Samsung 15 inch LCD panel for about $235. By the time Christmas came around they had jumped to $300. Now, almost a year has gone by and the 15 inch Samsung LCD panels are going for $360. And to top it off you can’t even find an ivory colored one any more. It is like nobody wants to make them anymore. What is going on??? Why are LCD panels going up instead of down? I heard that the TV makers soaked up the LCD parts to make more TVs last Christmas. Are we still having trouble with production? What’s the scoop??? Dvorak, this kind of stuff is right up your alley. You can get to the real story.

  1. John C. Dvorak says:

    Column fodder..I’ll look into it. Personally I don’t see anyone but hotel chains buying LCD TV’s. yet. Your observation sodes seem odd. I need to get the “column fodder” category on here so we can keep these posts seperate.


  2. Tom Guerin says:

    I’d guess the price rise is based mostly increased demand plus creeping inflation (inflation being based mainly on energy costs, which can crop up in every single little component of the display, plus labor (for instance, today, about 90% of the price of some common grains is energy).

    But I’m upset, too. I’m tired of my huge, heavy, electricty-hogging CRT.

    Hopefully 2D holography laser projectors will help.


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