This site is the homepage for the Whatever Happened to... book where I will highlight interesting tales from the history of computing beginning with some early day exploits and highlighting the modern 1975-present desktop computing era. These are derived from the Whatever Happened to.. series of columns done in Computer Shopper between 1991-1993 and again between 1996 -1999. If readers have personal anecdotes they are encouraged to include them in the comments. I'd like to update as many of these stories with new information as I can.

Additional discussion with suggestion for new stories will be carried out on the Cage Match forums. I still would like to research and produce another dozen stories including whatever Happened to GEM, the Source, GNN, Lotus Improv and other moment in computing history.

Current Chapters.

The newest to be posted are at the top of the list.

Whatever Happened to...

Bubble Memory

SWTP Computer

Context MBA

The First Personal Computer -- the Altair

The Texas Instruments 99/4


MSX Computers




Apple Lisa

Apple III

IBM Stretch Computer

IBM and the Seven Dwarfs — Dwarf One: Burroughs

IBM and the Seven Dwarfs — Dwarf Two: Sperry-Rand

IBM and the Seven Dwarfs — Dwarf Three: Control-Data

IBM and the Seven Dwarfs — Dwarf Four: Honeywell

IBM and the Seven Dwarfs — Dwarf Five: GE

IBM and the Seven Dwarfs — Dwarf Six: RCA

IBM and the Seven Dwarfs — Dwarf Seven: NCR