Official report of the No Agenda Peerage Committee.Grand.

Let this be your current guide to the No Agenda peerage system for producers of the No Agenda Show worldwide.

Current Titles (including changes)

Gentleman/Lady of the Manor --  is a one-third Knight earmarked by a $333.33 contribution and an executive producership for any one show. This person may refer to themselves as such but there will be no special ceremony other than the mention at the top of the show. This as well as other monikers can be conferred a a gift.  Anyone getting to 666.66 may refer to themselves as Esquires. New links to the Paypal donation pages can be found here.

Single Knight/Damehood $1000 donation. Becomes member of the No Agenda Roundtable with special consideration by the show hosts. This entails a special ceremony. All upgrades to this title receive mention when requested. This person can refer to themselves as Sir or Dame.

Double Knights will be referred to as Baronet or Baronetess. Optionally the owner of the title can refuse the title and wait for the next title as can all would-be title holders

Triple Knight will become a Baron/Baroness and may request a territory to rule. Once you achieve this level and the territory is approved, the Baron(ess) may assign the honorary titles such as Sheriff and Magistrate.

Five time knight becomes a Viscount/Viscountess --  Additional lands within reason are granted as part of an expanded Barony.

Seven times Knight becomes an Earl or a Count/Countess to be chosen by the individual.

10X Knight becomes a Duke/Duchesse with special fanfare and additional land to rule. Dukedoms will overlap Baronies.

20X is an Arch Duke

33X is a Grand Duke. Entire nations will be assigned to Grand Dukes until all territories of the world are accounted for.

All the above titles are granted upon request and accounting

These will eventually appear on the No Agenda World map in one form or another.

Questions and comments are welcome.

The next edition of this memo will include the various styles of the proposed No Agenda pins so members can not only identify themselves as fellow producers, but can know about the rank of the individual who wears the pin.

John C. Dvorak, Peerage Committee Chair

Begin to build up your accounts now by going to the Listener Support Page here or the open-ended donation page here.