Market Share Surveys from Netcraft must be frightening to the executives at Microsoft. Taken from over 52 million websites the trends are clear. Microsoft is not winning.
here is the chart that says it all (redone slightly for clarification)

  1. Estevan Roman says:

    If only IE would go down in market share!! 🙂

  2. Anonymous says:

    LAMP …. Linux Apache MySQL PHP

  3. Imafish says:

    That chart is a great example how Microsoft is lying. Microsoft consistently says that Linux is cutting into Unix sales, not Windows sales. But from 2002 to the present the Apache and Windows lines are mirror images of each other. As Apache wins, Windows loses, and vice versa. And unfortunately for Microsoft, Apache appears to be winning a lot.

  4. Silvstedt victoria says:

    My name is Silvstedt victoria.
    I think that for the log run. microsoft is a sure thing


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