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Bill Clinton Hospitalized With Chest Pains, Democratic Sources Say (

While on the subject of french fries.

Former President Bill Clinton checked himself into a New York City hospital on Friday suffering from chest pains, Democratic party officials said.

Emergency bypass surgery?

Hopefully he’ll be OK since he’s a little young to have a heart attack. BUT now I wonder about all that commentary about his eating McDonalds burgers all the time and french fries.

To make the humor even darker here is a screen capture of the front page of the Washington post with the Clinton article AND a Burger King ad! Since I’ve never seen an ad like this for a “Whopper” could it be “code” by the newspaper to tell us that this story is bogus? Or just black humor?

  1. John Ryle says:

    No, this story is true. It’s at NYTimes and BBC and CNN. I hope he gets well as he’s the only politician I actually like.

  2. Anonymously says:

    I think you’ve got a sure-fire PC Mag, backpage (can’t remember what it’s called) submission right there.

    This could be nothing. I was somewhat embarrassed last year to have gone to the hospital for chest pains for what turned out to be nothing serious. They pains were pretty severe and I thought it might have been a heart attack. Turned out that I had strained the muscles in my rib cage. Go figure.

    I learned a valuable lesson: if you’re having chest pains, and they get worse if you move around or merely from the expansion of your chest due to breathing, it probably isn’t a heart attack.

  3. Anonymously says:

    Err … I see that he’s going to have bypass surgery. Nevermind my earlier comment about how it might be nothing …

  4. TDavid says:

    Boy, I’m glad I’ve cut back my fast food consumption, John!

  5. joseph biggs says:

    any relationship to world war 2 coorespondant -bill dvorak

  6. site admin says:

    not that I know of…


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