This is one of the most pathetic meltdowns imaginable. Michael Richards played Kramer on Seinfeld for 9 years then failed to do much after that. His character was actually developed on the old Fridays show which bred numerous actors and comics. He was never famous for his stand-up and apparently never developed this skill. For one thing most stand-ups share numerous put-down lines to deal with hecklers, they do not go berserk like this. One has to assume that he thought he was being funny. Everyone must soon realize that everything is being captured on one device or another. This is a career ender.

found by David Feldman

  1. Carol says:

    They were interrupting his performance wich was not only a hindrance to him, it was a hindrance to the audience who paid high dollar for thier tickets! They called him a white cracker a** which was just as racist and they are getting no ridicule. It was HIS show and they were too uncultured to know the proper behavior for a member in an audience. They need to stick to Sinbad’s comedy shows, unitl they learn how to act in a white man’s show.

  2. L.G says:

    Carol, you spelled the word which improperly. I had no idea that this was a white man’s show.

  3. 007 says:

    MILLIONS feel lost and miserable, with nowhere to turn. A retired businesswoman observed: ‘One evening a widow who lives on my floor knocked on my door and said she was lonely. I told her politely but bluntly that I was busy. She apologized for bothering me and left.’

    Sadly, that very night, the widow committed suicide. Afterward, the businesswoman said that she had learned a “hard lesson.”

    Lack of neighbor love is often tragic. During ethnic conflicts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, formerly part of Yugoslavia, over a million were forced from their homes and tens of thousands were killed. By whom? “Our neighbors,” lamented a girl who had been driven from her village. “We knew them.”

    In Rwanda hundreds of thousands of people were slaughtered, often by their own neighbors. “Hutu and Tutsi [lived] together, intermarrying, not caring or not even knowing who was a Hutu and who a Tutsi,” reported a well known national newspaper. “Then something snapped,” and “the killings began.”

    Similarly, Jews and Arabs in Israel live side by side, but many hate one another. The situation is the same with many Catholics and Protestants in Ireland and growing numbers of peoples in other countries. Never before in history has the world been so lacking in love.
    the greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled is convincing Humans he does not exists. ….We the People Better,,,,,,,,recognize!, OK I’m going back to my life now, We all make mistakes, we’re Human. Not all Human’s took , Human Race 101. I pray that when they do suicide is not an option —am, 10-42

  4. Looking In says:

    As someone looking in to the US from the outside it seems to me the whole thing says so much more about your country’s issues than anything about the individual events.

    This has touched a nerve. The fairly obvious attempt to break through the conflict with the hecklers through use of verbal ‘shock and awe’ with some half-thought through belief that he’d be able to bring it back under control once the barriers were down has gone badly wrong. An apology was needed and was given but there is no way ot can be heard or accepted in the US.

    Everything coming out of this outside of direct focus on the event is projection and guilt. There are so many things in this area that the US can’t yet find a sense of humour about. As in so many things it simply shows how raw the pain and angst about this race stuff is.

    If the tirade had used ‘rednecks’ (or any other non-racial term of abuse) you wouldn’t react this way. If it was people of the same race you would not react the same way. It’s not the abuse that upsets you (although some think it is) it’s the use of race. When the US is healthy enough in it’s collective conscience to not go off on a hair trigger as soon as race enters a debate we will know that the healing of the past wrongs is starting.

    Racism is bad but deifying it as a sacred thing (or sacrilegious thing) is almost as bad. Here’s to a future when the content of a man’s outburst is judged on its content and not by any reference to the colour of the skin of those involved. (With apologies to Martin Luther King Jr.)

  5. Joe says:

    WoW! does anyone konw where i can get some snow THAT good?

  6. john Whitey says:

    Finally, someone spoke the words white people aren’t allowed to speak. Niggers SUCK!

  7. GO KRAMER says:

    NIGGER NEWS UPDATE!!!! *** Cross-dressing Coons go Congo Bongo *** *** U.N. Ragheads Steer Herd With Helicopter, Then Cull *** *** Surrender Monkeys Finally Figure Out What a Styre Can Do to a Shitskin *** *** Faggotry, rape, pillage, looting, arson, murder, tribal nigger-on-nigger violence — it’s all TYPICAL NIGGER BEHAVIOR! *** U.N. Towelheads Cap 60 Faggot Niggers in Congo-Bongo Action KKKINSHASA, Congo – U.N. surrender monkeys backed by an attack helicopter capped up to 60 crazy cross-dressing faggot niggers accused of spooking rival tribes’ coons and killing nine Bangladeshi ragheads, officials said Wednesday. It was the largest nigger pollution control event by a U.N. force since the Congo mission was created in 1999. The bongo took place Tuesday near the village of Lugga, 20 miles north of Boonia, the capital of the violent shitskin Ituri province, where the nine Bangladeshi swampniggas were killed in a spearchucker ambush last week. The nigger chimps’ gang, which belongs to the tribal Lendu political party Nationalist and Integrationist Bongo, has been behaving typically by wasting and scaring shitless the rival Hema tribe for months. The faggot Lendu fighters often wear wigs and women’s dresses because they believe it will protect them from harm. These trans-sexual fairy gangstas have whacked thousands of Hema in typical nigger-on-nigger violence over the years. Since December, the homo tribal fighters have banged dozens of niggas, raped hoes and bucks alike, looted and burned huts, and sent over 70,000 niggers on French Leave to the hills. Faced with a lack of niggers for targets, the stupid coons decided to shoot at the Bangladeshi towelheads. They got more than they bargained for. “While on operation we were fired upon, so we immediately opened fire on the fecal-coloured parasites,” said Col. Dominique “Demented” Demange, spokesman for the U.N. forces in Congo. The United Nations capped the coons’ black asses from a helicopter in the operation, Demange said. He said between 50 and 60 stinking nigger chimps had been wasted. The sewage clean-up involved more than 200 Pakistani towelheads, two transport helicopters, armored vehicles, and a shitload of 50mm ammunition, U.N. spokes-hoe Eliane “Queen Naboo” Nabaa said. Two ragheads were wounded in the barrage of gunfire and were shipped off to South Africoonia, Nabaa added. The United Nations also suspects the same gang of assmunching jungle bunnies is responsible for fucking-up good the nine Bangladeshi towelheads. “This sick, rampaging pack of nigger apes continues to loot, kill and rape other coons, making life for everyone miserable,” said Nabaa. “It’s time to put an end to this TNB — by any means necessary!” While most of the nation is finally kickin’ back with a 40 following an especially violent 1998-2002 all-out bongo, fighting between nigger clans continues in Ituri, a mineral-rich region that’s being destroyed by Typical Nigger Behavior. This has been the greatest challenge to the U.N. surrender monkeys’ nigger herd control. The United Nations vowed to continue to battle the violent apes and seize militant sheeit where the niggers ran to, deep into the trees of the remote hills. “Our forces will keep putting pressure on the ground until these filthy ’parasites noir’ are fucked entirely,” Jean-Francois “French Letters” Collot d’Escuries, chief of staff for U.N. in Congo, told reporters. Hundreds of U.N. muhfuggas were dispatched to several areas of the isolated, niggerfuxated territory to control the spread of the nigger herd. Then, following the slaying of the nine U.N. towelheads, the United Nations announced it was suspending veterinarian assistance to 54,000 niggers due to TNB. The round-up and niggerhunt operation Tuesday marked an aggressive shift in the way the United Nations is tackling its mission to regulate the damage caused by the deadly, disease-infested Congolese HazNigs. For several years, U.N. surrender monkeys in Congo have been criticized for being wankers. In May 2003, goldbricking Uruguayan U.N. dogfaces in Boonia were quickly overrun when Hema and Lendu gangstas went bongo in the town, removing over 500 of the foul Africoons from both tribes. The United Nations drew stiff international criticism for interfering with the deaths, many of which were execution-style murders carried out by wild teenage niggers fucked up on drugs. The UN blamed the Security Council, which promptly condemned the United States and went on holiday. Pressed by then-U.S. Secretary of State, Colin “Mandingo” Powell, the 15-nation Security Council agreed to reduce the size and spread of the nigger herd so long as they didn’t have to take responsibility for what happened. However, they were criticized again in June 2004 when wilding Congolese army baboons seized the lakeside town of Boonkavu in the east, while lazy-ass towelheaded U.N. troops stood by, laughing their asses off at the nigger-on-nigger violence. “It was typical,” reported one Bengal swampnigger who observed the bongo party. The fall of Boonkavu set off another bongo in the capital where rampaging apes torched and burned U.N. vehicles that were paid for by western, White nations. The U.N. mission in Congo is also embroiled in a major sex scandal in Boonia, where some of the swampniggers tripped over their dicks with the lil nigger hoes in ape zoos built for keeping the herd. After trading sweets and bling-bling for sex, the kkkrazy kkkoon kkkunts accused peacekeepers of raping them. This, too, is typical. Since 1999, the ever-present bungle in the jungle has killed more than 50,000 nigger apes and forced 500,000 more fecal parasites to flee their homes in Ituri, nigger herd watchers say. Congo’s five-year, six-nation Millennium Bongo that killed nearly 4 million shitskins came to a successful close in 2002 with the formation of a transitional gubbernment a year later. Typically, nobody gives a shit for its authority in the long-ungoverned east, where the tribal ape niggers continue their rampaging. The U.N. is burning its donated money and equipment with some 15,000 peacekeepers from 100 countries. The number will increase to 16,700 troops by March. About 4,800 U.N. forces are wasting their time in Ituri, pretending to keep the niggers from killing each other while taking target practice on the shitskins


    The most important lesson, for those who have wit enough to learn it, is that niggers are by nature savages, and that nature cannot be changed by window-dressing or persiflage. No one doubts the unalterability of inherent instincts in other animals. Chimpanzees, for example, may be taught to wear clothing, understand commands, ride bicycles, smoke cigarettes, and even to act as nursemaids to children (if well paid for their services in bananas). They recognize that they must be obedient to their masters, but everyone knows that if bands of chimpanzees were free from control, they would behave with the ferocity you may have glimpsed for a moment or two if you watched the National Geographic’s video-tape about them, filmed by Jane Goodall.

    The simple fact is that all pure-blooded Congoids and most other niggers are innately savages and can never be anything else. First-generation mulattos, the result of miscegenation, a crime that would be stringently prohibited if tender-hearted humanitarians had any sense of pity, are almost invariably savages, but may inherit some White instincts and thus be condemned to suffer an incurable schizophrenia throughout their wretched lives. In quadroons occasionally and octoroons frequently the White elements may dominate and produce individuals capable of civilization instead of mimicking it when expedient. A few, indeed, are highly intelligent, as witness Lawrence Dennis, who was one of the victims of Franklin Roosevelt’s premature attempt to begin ruling by terror in imitation of his model, Lenin, and his fellow conspirator, Stalin. A rational and compassionate American, however, would have thought it pathetic that so intelligent and courageous a man as Dennis had to be almost childishly proud that he could entertain acquaintances in the Harvard Club, aware, of course, of the indelible genetic blot on his being.

    With the stated exceptions, niggers are savages and you should understand that you can never understand them, except as you understand cheetahs or cuttlefish, by observing their behavior. All missionaries and other gospel-venders pretend, and simple-minded ones actually believe, that niggers can be transformed by dousing them in holy water and giving them sips of Jesus-juice, but that is sheer nonsense, as No묠Hunt puts succinctly, “A white man can no more think like a black than he can think like a bee.”

    Like all anthropoids, the savages can be taught patterns of behavior by persons who have authority over them, and, since they are capable of speech, they are more adaptable than chimpanzees. They can be taught to speak a recognizable English, wear currently fashionable clothes, drive automobiles, and perform almost any simple act that will win them a reward–even one that is deferred for some little time–and to avoid performing acts that will certainly be punished, sooner or later. (This is a marked difference from, e.g., dogs, who, as you know, must be rewarded or punished at the time of the act, for there is no way of communicating to them the meaning of a deferred reward or punishment. The same is true of chimpanzees.) Under competent supervision, niggers can perform useful work, and many can be taught to perform tasks that require some continuous attention and a fairly high degree of skill. Many, like all domesticated animals (especially dogs and horses), can become attached to their masters and take pride in serving them. And our enemies can teach them to yell for unearned rewards and privileges that White nitwits think themselves obliged to bestow on what they imagine the savages to be. And it is likely that, as has been verified by observation of American Indians, the Congoids’ nervous systems perceive pain and pleasure in ways that differ greatly from the comparable reactions of Aryans.

    Savages are incapable of civilization, for the same reason that tigers are incapable of becoming vegetarians. Savages, however, being innately treacherous, have a well developed capacity for simulation when it is to their advantage to employ it. Some anthropologists believe that the savages could, if left alone, evolve biologically and become capable of founding or inwardly appreciating a civilization in ten thousand years or so. Under coercion, they might develop a sense of civilization more quickly, perhaps in two or three thousand years.

    If our race finds it profitable or otherwise worthwhile to impose a measure of civilization on savages, it can bestow on them great benefits, according to our scale of values. But you must always remember what Dr. Albert Schweitzer, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1952 for his efforts to improve conditions in Africa, learned by bitter experience and stated clearly in a memorable passage of which an American newspaper, if we had any instead of the Jews’ liepapers, would continually remind its readers:

    ‘I have given my life to try to alleviate suffering among Africans. There is something that white men who have lived there, as I have, must have learned and know: that those people are a sub-race.’

    ‘They have neither the intellectual and mental nor the emotional abilities to equate themselves or share equally with white men in any of the functions of our civilization.
    I have given my life to try to bring to them the advantages which our civilization must offer, but I have become well aware that we must preserve our status: whites are the superior, and they the inferior race. For whenever a white man seeks to live among them as their equal, they will destroy him and all his work.

    And so for any lasting relationship or any benefit to this people, let white men from anywhere in the world who would come to help Africans remember that they must continually maintain this status: you are the master and they the inferiors, like children that you would help or teach.

    Never fraternize with them or accept them as your social equals, or they will devour you, they will destroy you.’

    The indisputable facts that Dr. Schweitzer courageously stated, sacrificing the favor he had enjoyed from our enemies and their dupes, were, of course, known to the World Destroyers when they began their gradual and cleverly accelerated work to stir up the savages by telling them they had “rights” they must assert, while at the same time paralyzing the minds of the American boobs by convincing them they had a Christian duty to deny themselves something they wanted in order to subsidize and pamper the “underprivileged” savages. In a nation that was already suffering from the egalitarian psychosis and had given the savages the “right” to vote, the work of calculated subversion was easily carried out and not even noticed by the boobs who are to be herded to extinction.

  8. ECA says:


  9. Great Raj says:

    I always liked Seinfeld. It is the best comedy. I am a little shocked by Kramer’ s speech., but I am going to forgive him.
    He will be ok soon. Like others said, I think Kramer got upset becos. he was interrupted so many times during his performance. I would have been angry too. People need to learn manners and try to not to interrupt an artist,

    Great Raj.

  10. nicky says:



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