Dvorak Lookalike? Humph.

starbulletin.com | Business | /2006/08/20/ — This takes the cake for off-handed compliment/insults. Curt “Digital Slob” Brandao writing in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin says I look like the Muppet Show character Stattler. I was shocked when I read this. I had no idea they used computers in Hawaii.

Cranky Geeks (video):
Host and PC Magazine columnist John C. Dvorak leads a panel of ill-tempered yet lovable tech curmudgeons who both hate change and can’t stand things the way they are. The decidedly un-Gex X Dvorak looks exactly like Statler, one-half of the balcony-heckling duo that gave Kermit the Frog so much grief on “The Muppet Show.”

UPDATE: Now you can be the judge! (Thanks to RTaylor for the suggestion)

  1. Miguel says:

    I actually loved those two old fogeys up there! Them and that eagle character πŸ™‚

  2. Tom says:

    A pretty accurate description of John and his brethern I’d say…

  3. tkane says:

    It’s apt except the old fogeys used to crack good jokes. John has been known to do that on occasion, he should do it more often, even if they have to be borrowed from someone else. I’d start with Don Rickles.

  4. RTaylor says:

    I could think of less flattering muppets to be compared to. You should do a side by side in the photo for better comparison. Maybe a morphing video.

  5. Mike Drips says:

    First of all you resemble the Cookie Monster more than Statler.
    Second the Honolulu Star-Bulletin is mainly used to train puppies and line parrot cages.
    Third, well it must be an extremely slow news day in Hawaii.

  6. Rich says:

    He’s more like the other one, actually! (Wasn’t it Waldorf?) πŸ˜‰

  7. curmudgen says:

    #2 Tom

    Count me among the fold!

  8. sdf says:

    Does this make Leo the Kermit of tech? New iPod YAYYYYYY!!!

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    Let’s tell the Evangelics that Muppets incite children to commit acts of promiscuity because there’s always someone with a hand up their asses πŸ˜‰

  10. Waldorf?? Maybe if I looked like Einstein!

    As for the cookie monster? Puh-leeze.

  11. hvacmach says:

    Well this ends the look alike contest on your blog, and we didn’t even use photo shop. John C Stattler it is!

  12. bill says:

    Don’t worry wait a few years and then we will decide!

  13. Tom says:

    Re: “The Morph”

    Umm… John…. I think he was referring more to your demeanor than your appearance…


  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    You 3 are cute, both the two muppet seniors and Dvorak but then again I always had a thing for middleaged men πŸ™‚

  15. estacado says:

    Reading the post makes me realize that Sebastian Rupley looks like Count Von Count, the muppet vampire. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c6/Lovetocount.jpg
    I’ll go look for a picture of Sebastian and post a comparison in the Cage Match. It’s hard to find a pic of him. Even Google image search doesn’t give anything.

  16. NONAME says:

    Which picture is the muppet? John dosn’t wear glasses does he?

  17. J says:


    Middle aged? Mr. Dvorak is not middle aged.

    He is an old fart

    LOL πŸ™‚

  18. mxpwr03 says:

    That animation is hilarious, they’re just bitter because he gets no spam.

  19. I do not get spam. I get grief from the staff of misanthropes! OK, who did this!?!?!?

  20. James Hill says:

    He got the muppet part right, but didn’t do a good job of describing the show. I wouldn’t say the group is against change… but against change for the sake of change, and against the status quo for the sake of the status quo.

    Trying to catagorize the show as a half hour weekly bitch-fest isn’t accurate, because the folks on the show back up their bull—-. It’s one of the few decent podcasts around.

  21. No John, you don’t look anything like that character!

  22. Brent Watkins says:

    If you think John’s upset check out Stattler’s opinion:



  23. Paintbait says:

    Wow, something tells me this guy read the name of “Cranky Geeks”, a short and innaccurate synopsis and saw your picture. The comparison, at least I think, is rather unfair and inaccurate –albiet slightly amusing.

    But I could be inadvertantly putting my foot in my mouth, too.


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