The Seattle Times: Local News: Dead zone suspected in fish die-off

A “dead zone” of oxygen-poor water has appeared off the Oregon coast for the fifth year in a row, and reports of crab and fish dying off Washington’s Pacific shore suggest the phenomenon is occurring here, too.

Members of Washington’s Quinault Indian Nation spotted large numbers of dead greenling, rockfish and flatfish on the beach last week. Some live fish were trapped in tide pools, including rat fish — a deep-water species.

“That tells us they were running from something,” said Joe Schumacker, of the tribe’s fisheries department.

  1. Smartalix says:

    Between overfishing and pollution, we are heading into some serious shit. The sad part is that after the initial brouhaha, very few will remember or care. The Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico hasn’t scared the mainsteam media into talking abouit it much, or any prominent politicians into doing very much about it, although the Zone is growing steadily.

  2. Anon says:

    This is clearly a hoax. We need more research and evidence that the fish are actually dead.

  3. Frank IBC says:

    “Undocumented Area”?

    Yeah, just keep blaming everything on the poor immigrants, John.


  4. If confirmed my first worry in that area wouldn’t be pollution (not that there is none) but the fact that significant underwater geological faults are present exactly there… Are these cracking or leaking?…

  5. meetsy says:

    okay, it’s a “hoax” explain why crabs and fish are washing up on the beach by the bucket loads. This isn’t pollution as much as it’s lack of OXYGEN in the water, caused by strange weather and odd currents. Read the article, folks…google it.

  6. GregAllen says:

    You’ve heard of this. I’ve now heard of this. It’s very alarming!

    But Bush and the no-good, do-nothing Congress? You can bet they will remain clueless and … as usual … DO NOTHING!


  7. Tim Harris says:

    Uh. If we vote the bums out…who do we replace them with ? More bums ? Last time I checked, the democrats are part of congress as well.

    I agree with the fault idea. Could the US be preparing for Cali to break apart any time soon due to fault activity ? Hmmmmm.

  8. neozeed says:

    3 & 6, its called sarcasim. Like how global warming is clearly a hoax.

  9. meetsy says:

    neo…hard to tell scarcasm…as a lot of people in the Pacific Northwest are only shrugging and saying “huh, go figure” and find nothing at all odd about crab pots full of DEAD crabs, or a beach full of rotting fish. This thing is alarming, but there haven’t been any governement studies…just casual “oh gee, huh” and the attitude (like the loggers) that there will be more fish, more crabs to catch…and always more trees to cut down. Of course, our current government has encouraged more clear cutting, withdrew a lot of laws that used to be in effect, and this fish die is probably another non-issue (so let them fish in Alaska).

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    They were running away from Martha Stewart and she killed them because she couldn’t find the perfect piece of seafod for her sushi.


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