Wisconsin all set to enforce law baring forced RFID implants

Wisconsin is all set to enforce the law, which bars forcible implementation of RFID tags into humans this week. Governor James Doyle has approved the legislation last month. According to law, nobody will be permitted to force another to put a microchip implanted in his body. If anybody violated the law, would be liable to pay $ 10,000 each day until the chip is removed.

Wisconsin will become the one of first states to implement such kind of law. Some 19 states are also planning to introduce laws to limit the use of RFID technology because of data privacy and security concerns. By introducing such kind of legislations, one that Wisconsin did recently, would have broad implications for RFID product manufacturers, distributors and users.

So, why is this an issue? Because VeriChip wants to implant people with RFIDs.

[May 18, 2006] VeriChip Injects Itself Into Immigration Debate

Scott Silverman, Chairman of the Board of VeriChip Corporation, has alarmed civil libertarians by promoting the company’s subcutaneous human tracking device as a way to identify immigrants and guest workers. He appeared on the Fox News Channel earlier this week, the morning after President Bush called for high-tech measures to clamp down on Mexican immigrants.

Privacy advocates Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre are warning that a government-sanctioned chipping program such as that suggested by Silverman could quickly be expanded to include U.S. citizens, as well.

The VeriChip is a glass encapsulated Radio Frequency Identification tag that is injected into the flesh to uniquely number and identify people.
“Makers of VeriChip have been planning for this day. They’ve lost millions of dollars trying to sell their invasive product to North America, and now they see an opportunity in the desperation of the people of Latin America,” Albrecht observes.

  1. Sean says:

    You know, besides the obvious privacy issues, RFID isn’t even a mature, proven, or well tested, technology.

  2. Frank Baird says:

    BFD. As soon as government decides they want this, they’ll simply repeal the law. If you doubt this, just look at how Congress gives the RIAA/MPAA cartel everything they want. They’re evil I tell you…. EVIL!

  3. Gary Marks says:

    The “Mark of the Beast” folks will have a field day with this.

    Bow down, and accept thy mark!

  4. todd anderson, iii says:

    if someone advocated it on fox news, you can be sure your local conservative is going to think it’s a darned good idea!

    mostly every conservative i know agrees with everything they hear on fox news.

    this is because most conservatives have a hard time thinking for themselves, though, and why they rely so much on pundits and preachers for what to think.

  5. Mike Voice says:

    How long after this program is instituted will there be a thriving black-market trade in them… a day? …a few hours?

    How much will criminals pay someone to “get chipped”, and then have the chip removed for re-sale?

    Will the chip be inserted in only one location on the body, so they can check for scars from previous removals?

    How many honest people will have the chips forcibly-removed by criminals?

    What will be the policy regarding honest people who “claim” to have had the chips forcibly-removed by criminals? Tough luck, one per customer?

    questions, questions, questions…

  6. spsffan says:

    How about you just dig the damned thing out with a pocket knife and toss it onto your local politico’s passing limo?

    With all the body piercing going on these days, I don’t think many folks would think twice about removing an RFID tag from their body.

    Oh, and then there’s the whole underground, fake (duplicate of real ones) RFID industry that will crop up:

    “No officer, that wasn’t me prowling around the Pentagon.”

    ” Well we have proff–your RFID key was detected there so it must have been you….off to Cuba.”

    The whole thing reminds me of Nazi concentration camp tatoos, only worse.


  7. tgladieux says:

    “this is because most conservatives have a hard time thinking for themselves, though, and why they rely so much on pundits and preachers for what to think.”


    Please explain how these conservatives differ from most liberals.

  8. joshua says:

    #5…todd…..i was going for a whole day without having to tell some yoyo to stuff it…..but you ruined my goal……STUFF IT!!!!!!

    this is an invasive technology that will make wheels turn in the minds of ANY politician or corporate head or demagogue all over the globe.
    There as many leftist, liberal party line spouters as conservative, moderate ones, or christian or Jewish, or Muslim ones. Cloneism and non-thinking is part of the human make-up regardless of political ideology and I for one get damn tired of people like you who insert this dribble into a topic where it isn’t called for.

    Sorry for being off topic…..visit cage match todd…..

  9. ab cd says:

    The head of Verisign got an award from the UN. Wonder why they thought this was so important?

  10. ab cd says:

    This is probably a waste of time. Is anyoner doing forcible implantations? Isn’t the bigger threat RFID tracking of things you bought? Perhaps they should outlaw not disabling RFID tags as you leave the store.

  11. ab cd says:

    The involuntary doesn’t matter, since there’ll be a big price difference between the two, and people’ll sell out easy. Just look at all those grocery store cards. Don’t want the implant? Then you get a lower salary.

    There’s a certain government leader whose name starts with ‘B’ and ends with ‘h’ whose very name is associated with mispronunciation. This leader has started a not so secret program of tracking all his subjects with RFID, giving out financial incentives for people to sign up for this tracking. I’m of course talking about Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and his IPass program that charges double if you pay cash.

  12. Mike Voice says:

    I’m of course talking about Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and his IPass program that charges double if you pay cash.

    Whew… I thought someone had stolen your logon… [grin]

    And my Mom wonders why there is no incentive for the FastPass system where she lives…

  13. THUNDEREAGLE says:

    Let it be known…that those who would hunt humans to implant invasive RFID chips…would become the hunted…Vietnam Combat Vet said it…and means it…BMCS Tom Dye USCG/USN/NOAA(RETIRED)


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