Here I am at annual conference and exhibition of SID, the Society for Information Display. Beautifully extravagant, this Samsung display is so sharp it looks like a hole cut in the wall, and at 102 inches, that’s a pretty big hole.

Show highlights include the coming availability of iridescent displays from Qualcomm, LG Philips’ 100-inch LCD, Liquivista’s electrowetting-based display, and Samsung’s 102-inch 1080p plasma display.

Go HERE for an updated collection of pictures of the highlights.

  1. Gary Marks says:

    Nice stuff, Alix. As always, don’t fall in love with anything you can’t afford. Is there anything new in 3D goggle or retinal projection displays? That always seemed kinda cool.

  2. Jim says:

    strange question, but how much does a thing like that weigh? I can’t imagine being able to hang it on a normal wall.

  3. malren says:

    Are they talking costs for a plasma that big…looks amazing. How many banks do I need to rob to buy one? 🙂

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    Ooooh… Pretty!

    Just imagine how crisp porn will look on the tellie! You guys finally will be able to see a c*nt bigger than Bush.

  5. Pete says:

    It’s OLED maturing that I’m waiting for – after the early adopters get hold of them imagine what those displays are gonna be like – couple of mm thick and as big as you like for small beans by the time they get popular – TFTs & Plasmas are only a stepping stone… 🙂

  6. Tim Harris says:

    Xerox park makes a cheaper material to be used on not only tv displays, but as a general replacement for paper in general…So I am not impressed. Why should I be in awe of technology that is more than 20 years old ?

    The fall of the paper industry has been in the forecast since the 80’s. I wouldn’t trust any of this crap coming out anytime soon. You think the government is going to forget the billions of lobbying dollars from the paper industry OR those big clunky transistor firms? Hmm… When was the last time companies were talking about saving the rainforest ?

  7. moss says:

    Last time I looked, “obsessed” was a 2-way street — in dullsville.

  8. Mike Voice says:

    Did they have any of these displays? [or is the announcement too recent?]

  9. Mike Voice says:

    The RC car with camera being displayed on a headset is amazing.

    People already put body-english into game controllers & RC controllers – I can imagine what gyrations the direct video-camera footage will cause people to use…

    I wonder how many people will get “sea sick” from the motion of the camera, ala “Blair Witch Project”.

    And I can’t be the first to think of the “perv-cam” possibilities for that, either…

  10. Gary Marks says:

    Thanks for the update, Smartalix, and especially nice headset pics. It looks like MicroOptical might be ready for primetime. And that vision-enabled robot vehicle looks like it might be way too much fun to pester the pets with. You could chase ’em all over the house without leaving the couch! Muahahaha


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