Top fundamentalist Grand mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh: You can be certain he’s calling the shots

>>> < << Broken promises: intolerance still alive and well in Saudi schools — I thought these people were supposed to be our friends? What’s weirder still is that nobody except the Washington Post bothered to check on these promises and they had to smuggle books to do it. Pathetic diplomacy all around.

Saudi officials like Prince Turki al-Faisal, the Saudi ambassador to the United States, have repeatedly stated that the kingdom was committed to change its educational texts and remove any element “inconsistent with the needs of a modern education”.

In an article published in last Sunday edition of the Washington Post, Nina Shea, director of the Center for Religious Freedom at Freedom House, reveals that the promises were not kept. Nothing has changed.

Based on a review of a sample of official Saudi textbooks used in the current academic year and secretly obtained through teachers, schools employees and parents, the Center concluded that from grade 1 through 12 the textbook content is informed by “an ideology of hatred toward Christians and Jews and Muslims who do not follow Wahhabi doctrine”.

The texts teach a dualistic vision, in which the world is divided into true believers of Islam (monotheists) and unbelievers (polytheists and infidels).

Examples? In first grade Saudi children are taught that “Every religion other than Islam is false”. In eighth grade, they learn that “As cited in Ibn Abbas: The apes are Jews, the people of the Sabbath; while the swine are the Christians, the infidels of the communion of Jesus.” Last but not least, in twelfth grade, jihad or holy war against unbelievers is presented as a religious duty.

  1. James Brown says:

    “how is this allowed to continue?”

    It is called OIL …

  2. ezma says:

    I don’t know why you don’t bother to double check or verify your statement first. This post of yours very misinformative and on the top of that its instigating hatred. Muslims call the christians and the jews as “the people of the book”. You could shoot a quick email to or ( question and answer) to verify that. Even better search these websites. You know, you don’t have to go to saudia or any islamic organization to find out about any aspect of islam. Everything is on the web these days.
    then again on another article of the same website you quote from it says : Vietnamese Catholics, Pakistani Muslims together against “Code”, Ongoing Christian and Muslim protests against “Da Vinci Code”.
    Why pick out the ( false) negative ones?

  3. xully says:

    You should print what the Jewish schools teach their children. The Talmud has a lot of interesting rules on how to treat us goyim. Of course you’ll be labeled “a hater” if you do. You’d be asked, “Wasn’t six million enough??”

  4. Ethan says:


    Did you just move here from Saudi Arabia after graduating from their educational system?

  5. Me says:

    I actually like teaching first graders:

    “Every religion other than Islam is false”.

    Just change “other than” to “including” and teach it to every first grader in the world. Then the world would start to be a much better place.

  6. Milo says:

    ezma and xully: A load of taqiyya and kitman.

  7. Johnny-Cakes says:

    It just amazes me…totally amazes me that in this day and age SO many people still believe that there is this invisible man that lives in the sky and watches everything we do every second of every day of our lives. Then it’s all supported by the circular logic of “God exists because the Bible/Talmud/Koran says he does…and those texts are correct because God says they’re correct”.

    What a complete and total waste of time, money and lives all this non-sense has cost mankind. I thought for sure we as a species would have grown out of this by now. Oh well, maybe in a few more thousand years….

  8. Ezma…You ask why focus on the negative…well, because they have the money to promote this stuff. So you defend it? Geez.

  9. Mike Voice says:

    #2 Muslims call the christians and the jews as “the people of the book”.

    True statement.

    But the linked article is not saying that this hatred is a Muslim tradition, or a teaching of the Qu’ran.

    The article claims to be quoting official Saudi textbooks, which appear to be based on “Wahhabi doctrine”.

    That is the crux of our “Public Relations” problem with this conflict:
    1. Islam is not our enemy.
    2. Muslims are not our ememy.
    3. Our enemies claim to be “Muslims” who are fighting a “jihad” against us.

  10. RTaylor says:

    The Saudi ruling monarchy is suppose to be our friend, just like the Shah of Iran was. The government and the people are not the same thing. From what I’ve read, the internal struggles in Saudi Arabia is quite fierce, and may lead to civil war if the Princes fail to keep control.

  11. James Hill says:

    How is this allowed to continue?

    Christian and Jewish people not standing united against the threat is a start.

    Granted, what I’m saying is akin to “holy war”, but that’s what this comes down to.

    Of course, those that worship the DNC don’t factor into this discussion.

  12. Gary Shaw says:

    I was listening to an interview with James Woolsey, former director of the CIA. He said basically the Wahhabis hated (and I mean hated) everyone who didn’t follow their strict interpretation of Islam.

    So Christian, Jew, Shiite, other Sunni movements, it doesn’t matter. The Wahhabis hate them all.

  13. ECA says:

    Lets do it this way…
    Take all the religions, and combine the understandings, and ERASE ALL that does not EXIST in the other beliefs.

    God, or WHOM ever is as a father, he LEd us for along time, and NOW we are on our own.. He is there IF, ONLY IF, we need him… WE must LEAd our lives as we WANT.

    “on Earth as it is in Heaven”, If this is what its like UP THERE…I would rather go next door.
    In all the understanding I have gained reading and learning other religions and beliefs…1 things stands out…

    Understand 1 thing…
    6 religions, 6 Beliefs in each, and 6 Sec’s or each…MAKES alot of diversity is THOUGHT. And FEW can get along.

  14. xully says:

    Johhny Cakes, Descartes took your argument to it’s logical extreme, and found the only thing he could really be sure of was, “I think, therefore I am.” Considering I can’t be absolutely certain that you’re not a figment of my imagination, what logical reason is there for me to give considertation to how you might feel about my actions towards you?

  15. The rocket to planet Gandorf leaves in an hour. Give yourself 30 minutes minimum for check in and security clearances.

  16. Gary Marks says:

    #14, the logical reason you’re looking for is doubt, a healthy measure of doubt. Unfortunately, any amount of doubt comes into direct conflict with faith. When people of faith, either religious or otherwise, translate their faith into utter certainty and then act on it, some really bad things can happen.

    Acting with a measure of doubt is both healthy and logical.

  17. alex says:

    oh yea, thats right, i saw this guys picture before.

  18. James, age 14 says:

    We know WHO the homicidal maniacs are. They are the ones dancing in the streets right now. We must invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity.

    Ann Coulter, September 14, 2001

  19. Boris Gordon says:

    Why is it a surprise that reactionary religious teachers have some crazy ideas that make no sense to rational thinkers ?Why the focus on Saudi crazies? Nobody in the world today is as discriminated against like arabic people and this sort of post is just fuel for that discrimination.It’s practically impossible to get an abortion in parts of the US and gay people can’t get married in most of the country right? Perhaps you should post a story about the preaching that results in these laws and realities.

  20. ECA says:

    I would suggest…
    the FULL understand of what GOD, wishes…
    Is devided among the truth that you SEEE….
    everyone must FIND their OWN truth…

  21. ECA says:

    WHICH chrisian belief do you WANT to use…
    There are as many factions in the middle east as there are Divisions in christiandom… In the end, you are STILL a minority, and we are still fighting the Cruesades…

  22. James, age 14 says:

    I see that secular progressive, Muslim extremists, and ancient history buffs have apparently run out of ammunition are still playing up the “Crusades” card. Gotta love it!

    (By the way, when telling somebody “you are still a minority, and we are still fighting the Cruesades,” it helps to at least use correct spelling.)

  23. moss says:

    Well, baby james — you seem to have learned most of the (admittedly narrow) range of rightwing rhetoric. I suggest you move on from stereotypes to sophistry, next.

    We have a (very small) number of folks here who will serve as mentors.

  24. James, age 14 says:

    I wonder just how many people who talk about the Crusades know absolutely anything about history. Could you recite the entire Preamble to the Constitution from memory? I could. Could you tell the exact date of the of the Independence Day of Israel? the exact date of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings? the month and year of the Roe v Wade decision? Could you explain the phases of the moon? Could you find India, Japan, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Argentina, Chile, Lebanon, Brazil, or Greenland on a map? I could.

  25. Someone from the middle east says:

    What you all do not understand is that what the Saudis are teaching “their” children is true Islam. That’s it, no more no less. Islam is not peaceful. Islam is war. I don’t say it – THEY DO! I only L I S T E N. I suggest you start listening too. We are going for GIGANTIC war with Islam…. We need to be strong – “we” as the west. Hold tight – it’s coming…


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