Aljazeera.Net – Police storm rebel Mexican town — What I find peculiar is that this story is getting good coverage from the International press and zilch in the American media except for one story in the LA Times and a very short UPI article that nobody picked up. Strange. In the meantime on the Google News site they show that there are over 750 stories about Mission Impossible 3 coming out today.

Police have retaken a rebellious town near Mexico City and freed officers taken hostage in a riot that left one person dead.

Scores of police in body armour swept into the farming town of San Salvador Atenco, 24km north of Mexico City, and hauled off protesters armed with sticks, machetes and petrol bombs on Thursday.

Trouble had started on Wednesday when police tried to evict unlicensed flower traders from a market. A 14-year-old boy was killed in the riots.

Eleven police officers held hostage by protesters were all released, Televisa television station said, and police took control of the town.

  1. Ping says:

    AHAHAH ! Al-Jazeera is offering a better coverage of this event than any other american media ! how ironic !

  2. Milo says:

    Now this is funny!

    “MEXICO CITY—As dozens of major American corporations continue to move their manufacturing operations to Mexico, waves of job-seeking Mexican immigrants to the United States have begun making the deadly journey back across the border in search of better-paying Mexican-based American jobs.

    “I came to this country seeking the job I sought when I first left this country,” said Anuncio Reyes, 22, an undocumented worker who recrossed the U.S. border into Mexico last month, ”

  3. Diane Ensey says:

    The US media has always looked inward, rarely outward, which is when I used to watch Canadian News (when I lived in Seattle) and now watch BBC America. Maybe we need another evening news broadcast, just about what is going on in the rest of the world.

  4. meetsy says:

    I’d rather watch the Canadian news, or just do a lot of google/news searches, than watch what is “supposed” to be television news. It’s all lame, and the egos reading it don’t seem to fathom what it is they’re reading, anyway….they’re bred to look cute and smile nice. No wonder American’s are so ignorant … our news is fluff, and our television is fluff, and people know more about who’s doing what on American Idol than what is going on in the world.

  5. Richard says:

    Since when is this peculiar? Isn’t this something that the rest of world already know?

  6. ECA says:

    we need,
    at least a 3rd political party, if not more.
    AND a real 2 sided UNEDITED, UNBIASED, world coverage NEWS.

    With all the time in a day for news channels to ‘SAY SOMETHING’, they really dont do much. repeat repeat repeat.

  7. Mr. Fornicated Up Fusion says:

    Those crazy Mexicans. What jokesters !!! Hey when those guys throw a party, watch out, they don’t go halfway. Happy May 5.

  8. joshua says:

    There was a small bit about this on the Fox news site and on Google news. I even saw a bit on BBC News online.

    Maybe John they didn’t want to scare the American news audience anymore than what they are. Seems the big *no gringo day* was a disaster. The polls are starting to sneak out and they are running 60% and higher for strong borders first….talk later about citizenship.

    I knew the far left crowd would blow it for the immigriants when they took over the lead of the march’s. Even a couple of the MSM types are doing stories on the radicals who *hijacked* the movement. A lot of honest, mainstram groups backed away from the May 1st march’s…..they said it could backfire, and they were right. One of those was the Mayor of L.A., also the Chavez union.

  9. axe says:

    Mexico celebrates their independence from Spain more than from the French. I have been there before on Cinco de Mayo and the day was like any other day.

  10. AB CD says:

    Not letting people operating a business without a license is probably a good reason for rioting. Over there getting a license probably means paying a bribe or giving an official’s family member a share of the profits.

  11. David Cox says:

    I have lived in Mexico City 20 years, am American. The issue for us here was petty. Go back to the 70s to understand that the government, police, and army killed thousands of rioting university students with machine guns from helicopters. RESULT: The government has a deep seated fear of handling riots. (period).

    About 2 years ago when the government wanted to expand the Mexico City airport in this area. They paid very little for their property so the people held riots, the gov. backed down. Now that the present president will leave office end of the year, pay back time.

    Things started with the removal of a flower producer from an apartment apparently he wasn’t paying rent. The owner got a judge to send an order to kick him out. They came with about 50 police. Overkill according to many. From there there was a standoff, they got out their machetes, and 500 more police came. From there it went worse with the macheteros (machete bearing people, using a populist front name). They attacked police with rocks, sticks, bottle rockets (large that explode), and motloff cocktails. The people grabbed some 11 policemen, held them hostage. Group of 6 attacked an unconscious officer and one man kicked him in the groin while he was unconscious and deadlike as we watched live from a TV crew in helicopter! Why? No reason for any of it. Minority groups raising ruckus before July elections to get some political gain in the polls. Several dead. many injuried.

  12. joshua says:

    I remember the Mexican goverment trying to clear this area awhile back. If I’m not mistaken the former Mayor, now running for President(a populist/leftist), is the one that backed away or at least got the goverment to do so.

    It’s true that to get a business liciense you pay through the nose, plus the bribes you have to pay the local cops every month makes it tough to make a profit on a small buisness.

    As to Cinco de Mayo…..It’s a legal Mexican holiday, but almost no one notices it in Mexico. But here in the states the food and booze industry has hijacked it and turned it into what we have today(nothing new about that). The first big groups to celebrate it were the Chicano groups, 99% of whom have never been to Mexico in their lives. It can be gulling to see a cinco parade in a town that dosen’t have a 4th of July parade.


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