Large bundles of cash meant for Iraq’s reconstruction were stashed in filing cabinets, handed over without receipts and gambled away, a report has found.

The audit, by US-appointed inspectors, paints a picture of the chaotic misuse of millions of dollars of funds.

The report said US post-war planning was limited by a desire for secrecy.

There were no detailed, overt preparations for the reconstruction of Iraq in the run-up to the 2003 invasion “to avoid the impression that the US government had already decided on [military] intervention”, the report by the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction said.

Previous findings by SIGIR have resulted in corruption charges against four Americans.

Does anyone think the fumble-fingered cronies in charge of this fiasco will be held responsible?

  1. Mike says:

    The federal government (all levels actually) wastes billions of dollars a year on nonsense, but Tom Delay said there was no more pork to be removed from the budget. I work for DOD, you should see the end-of-the-year spending sprees on stuff we don’t even need, just so we don’t get our next year’s budget cut because we didn’t use it all the previous year. The ENTIRE government works like this. What a sad, depressing mess.

  2. tim says:

    hahaha, the day after I trash someone for describing the Canadian government as an “extremely corrupted government” compared to the US of A, and this comes up. While the “scandel” in Canada was a major issue not only in ONE but TWO elections even though the leader was aquitted of any wrongdoings, does any1 seriously believe even for a second that the hundrends of millions/billions of dollars “misused” in Iraq and other areas of government will even be MENTIONED when the next American election comes around. Yeah, I thought not. No one actually in charge will be held responsible, only those low level enough to be fired will obviously act as scapegoats, the time honored tradition of politics in present US of A.

  3. Incognito says:

    Well the government spends 100 dollars on hammers.

    What would you expect. If they actually hired someone to clean the books for them, they miht find other inconsistencies.

    And we can’t have that.

  4. Pat says:


    You make a very good point. For all those who don’t know, the amount of money involved in the Canadian “scandals” was a matter of a few million, surely less then $10 million. You also hit it very close to the truth when you suggested that it will not be an election issue.


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