The Scotsman – Thu 5 Jan 2006:

A MOTHER of two has been reported to police after she threw a snowball in her garden, it emerged last night.

Tracey Ryan, 32, said the police came to her door over claims that she threw the snowball over a fence at her neighbour’s two-year-old daughter in Glenburn, Paisley. But Mrs Ryan said that if the child had been hit, it was by accident as she played with her own daughter in the snow.

It’s about time they started getting tough on such hoodlumism. Now if I could only get those damn kids off my front lawn!

  1. Ahmer says:

    That’s odd. Why would the person be reported in the first place unless the person pressing the charges wants money?

  2. RTaylor says:

    Typical vindictive neighbor crap. These two women probably has an unpleasant history. If the woman got this excited over the child taking a snowball hit, God help the poor child.


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