American shoppers, intent on skipping crowded stores and 6 a.m. squabbles over the last bargain laptop, spent 26 percent more money online over the Thanksgiving weekend than they did in 2004, according to market-research figures.

Consumers spent $925 million on retail Web sites from Thursday to Sunday, nudging online purchases since Nov. 1 up 24 percent over 2004, comScore Networks said Tuesday.

And after a long weekend of pointing and clicking, millions kept right on shopping at work Monday, beginning at 9 a.m., retailers said, validating the holiday shopping season’s latest buzz phrase, Cyber Monday.

I realize this is preaching to the choir. Still, it’s always nice to know you’re ahead of the curve. Even if it’s just about spending money.

  1. Rob says:

    I guess the marketing around “Cyber Monday” worked. The real fools: the journalists that splashed the term, “Cyber Monday” all over television. It’s all a myth folks. Business Week got it right.

  2. Tod White says:

    NOW wait a minute…!?!
    I coulda SWORE ya said, on TWiT, that “Cyber Monday” was a flash in the pan. That the ONLY reason it HAD existed was ” they go in to work on Monday to get on the Net “cause they don’t have broadband at home.”

    C’mon “I get no spam”, make up your mind .

  3. Eideard says:

    Tod, I know we drive folks crazy — with several of us contributing. It gets weird when we don’t quite agree with each other.


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