1. Gigwave says:

    Not Darwinian enough!

  2. Improbus says:

    To bad there wasn’t a nice cliff for him to “drive” off.

  3. moss says:

    #2 – One more exit North, turn right, go about 1/2 mile, turn right on a dirt road – he could have done it.

  4. gquaglia says:

    Another productive, immigrant who just wanted to work to feed his family falls victim to the evil gestapo police force. This guy was just out of a Sunday drive, minding his own business. I would sue the police for making me run over my own legs.

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    #4 – q

    Yeah, damned furriners. We need more people like David Hasselhoff and Nick Nolte driving around on our roads. Not these friggin’ wetbacks.

  6. Knoes Pikkar says:

    The real story here is the anchor’s name… Dick Knipfing? Are you kidding me??

  7. chuck says:

    Damn, I want Officer Grace Romero to handcuff me and tell me I’m a bad boy.

  8. Grin Reaper says:

    I think she was at my bachelor party!

  9. Ron Larson says:

    Anyone who doesn’t believe drunk drivers are dangerous should watch that footage. Wow.

  10. BigBoyoBC says:

    DWI = Driving With Idiot

  11. TVAddict says:

    Wow. Grace does look slutty. She can arrest me any day.

  12. OvenMaster says:

    Popov vodka?! It figures… another drunk going for the cheap crap instead of a higher-quality buzz.

  13. bobbo says:

    I’ve met three female police officers in my life well enough to form a stereotype: they all are really control freaks, just like their male counterparts. Sad how joining a group and drinking their koolaid locks down the ability to continuously grow and become a better person.

  14. moss says:

    Should I condemn our resident nutball #4 only for being ignorant? Admittedly, I have local knowledge supplementing this news report – but, the exit the drunk missed leads into the Santo Domingo Pueblo.

    Hispanic surname notwithstanding, he’s probably Native American.

  15. moss says:

    Oh, and #6 – Dick Knipfing is the ultimate example of how long local chile keeps you alive. I think he has been on Albuquerque TV news since before the television set was invented.

  16. James Hill says:

    #13 – Do we really need to talk about liberals in this thread, too?

    Happy Holidays 🙂

  17. Cursor_ says:


    Roy T. Aguilar

    Well just as much as John Schumacher, Stanley Kowalski and Sean O’Brien does I suppose.

    Yep everyone is a “furriner” in the western hemisphere.


  18. Dave W says:

    Actually, the best part was near the end of the video….It will take SEVERAL WEEKS to process the blood sample.

    Are they kidding, incompetent or just stupid?

    Here in California, we can do a blood alcohol level in more like an hour. Give it until tomorrow if the lab is backed up. But several weeks???

    And I might point out 2 other things.

    99.9% of “legally” drunk divers arrive safely at their destinations without causing problems on the road. Most wouldn’t even have been considered ticket bate 30 years ago. While the cops are busy rounding up the .05%ers, the guys weaving all over the road for whatever reason cause havoc. The zero tolerance crowd strikes again.

    Oh, and hate to go there again, but the video didn’t mention the immigration status of the ‘tard. Most likely a citizen, but since we stole New Mexico fair and square, what difference does it make? Again, I blame that first group of illegal aliens, Colombus, Walter Raleigh, you know, that crowd.

  19. McCullough says:

    #14, moss- I hate being subjected to ABQ News in the morning, or evening….oh well, it could be Denver I guess.

  20. raster says:

    It’s been done before – and by TWITs no less:

    I wonder if that car was a Tesla?

  21. Lou says:

    Send him to DWI school.

  22. gquaglia says:

    #14 Fuck you as well. Happy Thanksgiving.


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