Ouch! They’ll be trying to minimize anyone seeing this guy.
CBS News | The RNC: A User’s Manual | August 27, 2004 14:38:42. Good backgrounder on next week’s convention.
Larry Sabato, a University of Virginia professor who is attending his 16th national convention (eight Democratic, eight Republican), recalls that the most effective ones he’s seen were the Democratic gatherings in 1976 and 1992 and the three GOP conclaves of the 1980s.
“I regret to say they were effective because they followed the script almost perfectly and the party was able to communicate its message because all of the people participating were automatons,” Sabato said.
For the real news during the week though I’d go to the Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
Related links:
These activist judges have attempted to “create a secular nation out of a Christian nation, which our founders clearly intended,” he continued. “Your job and mine is to refuse to let them do it.”
And that Vital variety show? Its full title is “Make Nice”? My Ass! The Republican Convention Welcome Wagon Variety Show, a name inspired by convention spokesperson Ed Koch’s ads urging New Yorkers to “make nice” with their Republican visitors. Then there are the two plays in the Fringe Festival, Apocalypse! Book One and Dementia Presidentia, that equate a Bush victory this year with the Apocalypse.
Hiding the Religious Right from View
And lest you think this is a case of leftist “religion bashing,” consider this: The National Council of Churches, which represents the country’s Methodists, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Presbyterians and 32 other denominations, has, against all tradition, been brushed aside by this President, while evangelicals have enjoyed unparalleled access.
Evangelicals not Invited? They are Already There
Analysts say denying a prominent spot to leaders such as Robertson or Falwell likely will not hurt this effort. John Green, an expert on religion and politics at the University of Akron in Ohio, said that after years of activism in Republican campaigns, conservative Christians were now party insiders who may not require a specific religious appeal at the convention.
“Evangelicals are likely to be strongly represented at the convention, but within the ranks of the GOP and the Bush campaign,” Green said. “Key movement leaders, like Ralph Reed and Gary Bauer, may well attend but as party leaders, not evangelical figures.”
Oh yeah, no question that the Christian right represents the ugliest part of the Republican party and Falwell is the biggest loon of them all.
Do we need any more examples than Kerry’s Vietnam fiasco and these Christian yahoos to prove that we need more choices for President?
Speaking of evangelicals — I presume you’ve now caught the FBI leaks, tonight, on CBS News. There appears to be some certainty they’ve “caught” an Israeli mole in the Department of Defense. That departmental definitions centers on Rumsfeld’s office and Wolfowitz of Arabia [his term] — who, on the public side of things, is an advocate of a Greater Israel that would stretch from the borders of Afghanistan to probably 3 blocks east of Greece!
I hold little respect for conspiracy theories; but, political internecine warfare is something more understandable — ideally served by the timing of this particular exposure: Bush has decided to drop the other shoe in favor of CIA dominance; Bush’s religious convictions made him a sucker for Israel-based guidance in his faith-based foreign policy; the Republikan Convention kicks off in Nuremberg, oops, I mean, NYC, this weekend.
Lots of tactical reasons to screw the boss to the wall. Even if he deserves it.
I agree with Thomas, especially the last paragraph.
That’s my biggest complaint about our two-party system => the best they can come up with is Kerry/Bush (or Clinton/Dole, or Clinton/41, or Gore/43) – and they wonder why I’m not excited. ğŸ™
Computer hack, meet political hack. Electronic activists are planning to jam up the servers of GeorgeWBush.com, GOP.com and other republican websites, once the Republican National Convention gets underway Aug. 29. I guess it beats running around NYC with signs and the risk of being beat, maced and arrested. You have to wonder if the Whitehouse.gov server or is a target. I’m going to watch this and should have some stuff posted at my security blog soon.
Please don’t target my blog. I am just a political hack writing, drinking coffee and I don’t like war, havoc or big evil corporations that use and abuse people.
No one likes us-We don’t care.
[…] — it’s a myth.” A myth propagated by Liberals. Jerry Falwell, as mentioned in this blog here, and others have come out and openly stated that their intent is make the USA non-secular, in other […]