HoustonChronicle.com – AROUND THE REGION A shocker! :)

The Navy has hired Houston-based Halliburton Co. to restore electric power, repair roofs and remove debris at three naval facilities in Mississippi damaged by Hurricane Katrina.

Halliburton subsidiary KBR will also perform damage assessments at other naval installations in New Orleans as soon as it is safe to do so.

  1. robert crawford says:

    Bu$h and Cheney…I knew those debit cards for the evacuated Cajuns to Texas was only to serve the Houston economy, especially when I found out that they were only giving those cards to those evacuees that went to Texas; not to Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, etc. In a few weeks, Haliburton will be demolishing the wrecked homes of those people, perhaps using the people that return home as their slave labor to create the “New” New Orleans. I fear most of those poor people that went to Texas will spend that money quickly on an apartment (if they are lucky) that they can’t afford, and then just as quickly end up homeless on the street of Houston with no where else to go. Yea, Mr. Bu$h…sleep well tonight.

  2. Alan Thornton says:

    Unless you have been suckered in by hate radio (limbaugh, hannity, robertson, et.al.) or hate tv (fox and its imitators) you’d have to be blind not to see that this administration is for sale to the highest bidder and will continue to sell out the American people over and over again.

    Take the draconian bankruptcy bill going into effect next month and written by the credit industry. Democrats tried to make an exception for victims of natural disasters (long before Katrina) and were voted down by Republicans.

    Parmeceutical companies get the government to help them keep their prices up at the expense of the elderly.

    Gas companies use the current tragedy to get around enviornmental safeguards. Maybe you’re planning on breathing something other than air in your old age but, if not, you might want to do a little thinking for yourself instead of being spoonfed by the right wing’s lackeys.

    Oh, and I hope your wife doesn’t work for the CIA.

  3. Walter says:

    OK. Halliburton gets the job; however, a commitment has to be made to the people of the region that jobs will be made available to them. Jobs for next 10 year at fair wages will do a lot to restore the people’s faith in our system of government and the ethics of corporate America.

  4. Peter Brown says:

    There are thousands of companies that are not connected to the White House that could handle the job starting with Bechtel. It took me about 30 seconds on http://www.acec.org/ to find 102 companies located in Louisiana that qualify. Of course only a handful were Bush suckup companies.

    As I said earlier, the carptbaggers are moving in one mo’ time!


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