What’s with the Moustache?
Mugabe takes revenge – [Sunday Herald] First this lunatic was after the whites, now he’s after the poor. Seems that everyone was better off before the creation of this miserable place, once known as Rhodesia. Before the turnover the country was run by a lesser despot named Ian Smith. Then this guy gets in and goes mad. Has anyone considered that it might be the water or the food in these areas that makes the rulers insane maniacs?
Tyrant’s destruction of urban slums is yet another atrocity Western leaders are likely to ignore, reports Fred Bridgland in Cape Town
IN raids reminiscent of Kristallnacht in Germany and of Pol Pot’s Return to Year Zero in Cambodia in the late 1970s, Robert Mugabe’s police and soldiers have in the past three weeks torched, bulldozed and sledgehammered the homes of two million of Zimbabwe’s poorest of the poor.
Officially heralded as a clean-up of Zimbabwe’s teeming urban slums, ordinary black Zimbabweans have been turned into roofless internal refugees in the middle of southern Africa’s short winter when night temperatures dip below zero.
Amid the smoke from smouldering homes, the poor are dying from exposure and starvation and there are reports of suicides among broken people driven beyond despair. Moving thousands from the cities to the countryside means only more poverty, hunger and unemployment.
President Mugabe says the blitz on the very people he says he fought to liberate is necessary “to restore sanity” to the cities, although many people are questioning the 81-year-old leader’s own mental health. Out of the earshot of agents of the much-feared Central Intelligence Organisation the name “Mad Bob” has been whispered. They say this is Mugabe’s revenge on urban dwellers for voting for the opposition Movement for Democratic Change in parliamentary elections last March.
Should the United Nations intervene? Or the Organization of African Nations? Mugabe is obviously unbalanced but how do you stop a Dictator.
Maybe someone should mention to Bush that Mugabe dissed his daddy.
It’s not the water or the food. It’s greed. They look at our (western) wealth and high standards of living, and want the same for them. FAST. No time to develop the country, they want it NOW. So let’s rob the people and buy Mercedes and palaces and all that cool stuff…
Doesn’t just happen in Africa. Latin America, all over Asia every now and then, even Europe. Portugal (my country) is a case in mind. We lived under a dictatorship until 1974. And now, after 30 years, it’s almost the same as before. The rich are doing very well, the rest are getting heart attacks… Now the solution for my country is… you guessed it… even more taxes for the middle class… We’re headed in the same direction as Africa… We usually joke that Portugal is the most European country in Africa…
Perhaps Pat Buchanan was right. Britain and France should ahve let Hitler have Poland and kept their empires.
Refuge on the urbanites for voting against him – How long before this becomes a Pol Pot style “cleansing” of the urban areas.
Winner of the Bill Cosby look a-like contest. In addition to everything else, maybe this guy is the real culprit in the recent spate of female foundlings attributed to the comedian.
All of these countries seem to be near the top in foreign aid too, even though they have the best farmland. Mugabe came in when Zimbabwe was a net exporter of food and had no debt. David Frum has been running a series of articles on aid to Africa. He has a good letter today from a Zimbabwean about a trip to Ghana to collect a debt.
does that guy have a smudge under his nose…or is it a too well trimmed mustache?
So, uhhh, how come OUR NEWS AGENCIES aren’t all over this like flies on cow poo? How isn’t this sensational news?
Oh wait…..we already HAD our quota of “black men” in the news…with Michael J.
we should send Jessie and Al over there to sort things out.
This doesn’t bode well for the future of South Africa. It’s only a matter of time before another Mugabe takes over and destroys the country.
That’s ben done. Jesse Jackson was Clinton’s special envoy to Africa. What they really need is Thomas Sowell and Jack Kemp, or even Paul Bremer and whoever ran Hong Kong.
These rebel leaders become despots and the focus of personality cults when they are in isolation fighting their war. Then they get their hands on the levers of government power, and continue to believe they are personally responsible for the salvation of their people.
He has been in power for 15 years or so, but he only started rigging elections, punishing the opposition, and pursue popular racist policies against whites when his popularity started to wane about 8 years ago.
The true travesty is Thabo Mbeki of South Africa supporting him, saying the elections were fair, etc. All because of the perceived slight of former colonists criticizing an African leader. Africa needs to look at itself objectively if its ever going to encourage good governance and pull itself out of the muck.