Adam Curry and I will discuss this entire issue with perspectives from both sides of the pond this week on No Agenda.

  1. bobbo says:

    I thought Sheppard Smith was ok in that report. Seems like YOU didn’t get the response you expected==that Shep would cut them off or contradict them?

    Anyway, from what very little bit I have seen and read, the guest had the right story. When Georgia separated from Soviet Union they took Ossetia with them and that region immediately went into revolt to form their own country. They appealed to and got Russia protection against Georgia.

    blah, blah, blah==the tug and push of every house in the neighborhood wanting to impose its own rules rather than be a part of an entity large enough to guarantee them “anything.”

    Whats fun though to go to Google Earth and fly over Georgia. The Black Sea Coast looks like a decent resort area. Surprised me.

  2. eyeofthetiger says:

    WTF? Is that infobabe having a spell of incontinence? Sounded like he was having his eyebrows plucked.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    Worthless reporter… sounds like a freaking robot. And I wonder how long the aunt rehearsed the answers with the 12-year-old girl.

  4. #1 – Bobbolina

    Huh. I actually agree with you. Who’da thunk?

  5. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    From what I’ve heard so far from the OTHER side of this conflict (the side we hear least), we need to get an American bus over there as quickly as possible so we have something to throw the Georgian President under.

    Saakashvili will be gone soon. He doesn’t sound like the kind of leader we can stand up and defend without a lot of misgivings.

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    As far as interviews go, I really hate the interviewer baiting the interviewee with softball questions.

    “How did you feel when the bombs started dropping”.

    “I felt scared”. DUH! What was she supposed to say? “I felt like going for a walk?”

    That said, I give Sheppard Smith credit for not doing a Limbaugh or Hannity, that is yelling at or otherwise browbeating the guest into submission.

    He did let them speak their piece.

    It also make you wonder what is really going on in Georgia.

  7. #5 – El Peligroso

    Or maybe we could throw Putin and his lapdog Medvedev under it.

  8. MikeN says:

    As long as the Russians don’t take Atlanta.

  9. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #7, if you’re willing to joust with his KGBness over enclaves that prefer alignment with Russia, then I hereby dub thee “Peligroso squared” 😉

  10. #9 – GTDI

    Ok, so be it. Soy “Peligroso cuadrado”. As we say in the oval office, “Bring it on!”.

  11. chris says:

    I was watching Russia Today a day or two after the fighting started and saw something very funny:

    They were doing a segment that might best be called babushka-in-the-street perspective. There was a long line of grandmothers remarking that, based on the type of destruction they witnessed or the sounds of the battle they heard, the Georgians were unfairly using MLRS against unarmed people.

    The Multiple Launch Rocket System in question, I must assume was provided by the U.S. military. That five or six grandmothers could identify a specific advanced weapons system based on blast damage or sound struck me as beyond ridiculous.

    Both the Georgian soldiers and the Russian soldiers are a bunch of shmucks. As usual the unarmed civilians get screwed from all angles.

  12. soundwash says:

    -way to go John.

    good to see *some* american sites trying to give light to both sides of the story. while the girl *seemed* like she might have been coached a little, if you forage around enough, you’ll find more evidence that the major media is spinning the whole event 180 degrees ..

    i found another article written by a Washington based freelance writer than gives some good background and valid points on the event..well worth the read

    go here:

    more and more it looks like this event is *in part,* to take the focus off the current wacky market shanegins playing out as well..

    btw, you’ll find alot of interesting *counterpoint* articles on this site.

    i’d dare say its a goldmine of alternative view points and a great source for someone seeking talking points backed by real data
    on all the stuff going on lately that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    -its trying times for those who refuse to believe we could ever do no wrong.. even so, i still think this is the best country around. we just need a regime change of our own, -from top to bottom. unfortunately, its no where in site in this election cycle..

  13. KoRphiLe says:

    This is just a reason to attack Russia after the discovery of oil in the arctic region north of Russia which they will lay claim to. Hasn’t anyone learned that everything governments do is about oil?

  14. dougxd says:

    ……”right” responses…. ??? What? How come we don’t see CNN youtube vids or MSNBC vids on here? They ALL pull this crap. It’s never about letting their guests speak their minds, it’s about baiting them into a anchor-biased (whomever that may be) tear-jerker story with no real meat to the topic.

    Then again, if we want to listen to people personally whine and bitch about various topics, that’s what the so-called expert “pundits” are for on the various channels.

    I personally like Fox first, but I also enjoy CNN too. They are like polar opposites for the most part regarding their political alliances, but they both pull the same garbage with their guests when the guests begin to try to speak freely.

    Back to my point…I’m simply complaining that all too often the complaining is about Fox and I rarely see the same being said of the other networks.

    You all know I’m right about this….but, by all means, flame on, since I said I like Fox too.

    Have a nice day.

  15. Jägermeister says:

    #15 – McCullough – Isn’t this about the US putting nuclear “defense” missiles on Russia’s border.

    Absolutely. The Russians is already pretty pissed about Poland signing up… and Georgia was well on their way…

  16. troublemaker says:

    Yeah, I look forward to you and Adam spouting off nonsensical gibberish about a topic that you are completely clueless and unqualified to comment on.

  17. Wretched Gnu says:

    It never ceases to amaze me how right-wingers talk themselves into believing Fox has anything to do with actual, real journalism.

    “He did let them speak their piece”? You’re joking, right? As soon as he heard their opinion, he did Fox’s usual “Oh, we have 10 seconds left”…

    Do the wingnuts understand that Fox does not have reporters? Do they understand that they get all their news from AP, Reuters, The New York Times, etc.? All they do is comment. They’re exactly like talk radio. They don’t have reporters. How can you not know this?

  18. soundwash says:

    #15, McCullough,

    you could also frame it this way..

    -seems the nutcases that tried to escalate the cuban missiles crisis to full blown war via Operation Northwoods are trying again..(and [hopefully] failing again..)

    -banking on the extreme short term memory of the people is not a smart thing to do with the internet still intact..


  19. jim says:

    I actually agree. What this war has plainly shown is the how blatantly biased the entire corporate media are. I would even include Aljazeera and the BBC in this too. None of them were reporting the devastation happening in Tskhinvali. There was footage of the devastation coming from RT but, the western media down played it or spun it as caused by the Russian “invasion” . CNN tried too pass off the footage from Tskhinvali as Russian aggression against the city of Gori. The only news outlet that I found to be neutral in this war has been Euronews.

    Is there a general mistrust in U.S. with the corporate media after the way they baited you into the Iraq war ?

  20. #14 – dougxd

    I don’t understand what the brouhaha is about here.

    Even though I think Faux Spews is the work of the devil, and their “Fair and Balanced” claim makes a mockery of the English language, what’s the big deal here? I’d say this was fairer and more balanced than most stuff you see on that channel.

    The guy let them say what they wanted to say, pretty much, didn’t start yelling at them, and didn’t really seem to offer a conflicting viewpoint.

    If I were the kid or the old lady, I wouldn’t be pissed at that interview. She got in her plug for the Russkies, and that’s that.

  21. Li says:

    The fact that the S. Ossetians fled to Russia in droves is all you need to know about who was the aggressor in this conflict.

    People do not seek refuge with people who are trying to kill them. . .

  22. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    If you’re a bit concerned that your government might not always be telling you the complete truth (as I am), then here is another account of what happened in South Ossetia, in the form of an op-ed piece by Mikhail Gorbachev. I’m a bit ashamed that we have leaders in America that I trust much less than the former leader of a foreign government, but this is what it has come to.


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