The American broadcast industry is rocked, realigned and blasted into a new orbit, yet again, by Rush Limbaugh, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

In what is being described as an unprecedented radio contract, Limbaugh will keep his syndicated show on-the-air and e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e through 2016 with CLEAR CHANNEL and PREMIERE RADIO. Already host of the most lucrative hours since radio’s inception, Limbaugh’s total package is valued north of $400 million, according to media insiders.

The NEW YORK TIMES will claim this weekend that Limbaugh, marking 20 years this summer as a national host, has secured a 9-figure signing bonus for the new deal, newsroom sources tell DRUDGE. [The cover photo of the TIMES Sunday magazine depicts Limbaugh ‘dark and sinister’ in a theme of THE GODFATHER.] While newspapers and traditional broadcast media are experiencing declining revenues, Limbaugh’s golden microphone has turned diamond-laced:

Earnings now pace him ahead of the annual salaries for network news anchors: Katie Couric, Brian Williams, Charlie Gibson and Diane Sawyer — combined! The deal represents a stunning triumph over the establishment by an outsider who connected with and captured the spirit of the nation’s heartland.

Comparing Limbaugh to news anchors seems a bit unfair, since they’re different forms of propaganda. Well, at least we don’t have to watch him.

  1. Awake says:

    Yeah… so what… corporate CEO’s get paid lots of money even if they are inept. Nig salaries, or titles, prove nothing. After all, look at the putz that has the biggest title of them all: President Bush. Big title doesn’t keep him from being any more than an incompetent putz.

  2. BigCarbonFoot says:

    #65 – liberals are NOT “progressive”. Their idea is that if someone succeeds their taxes need to go up, I would call that regressive.

    #70 – you’re right about voting independent however we’re still stuck with the candidates the parties feed us. Look at right now: we have a choice between a scary guy (McCain) and a horrifying guy whose so bad he may destroy civilization (Obama). Not much choice there.

  3. Victor the Crab says:

    So Mr. Fat Bastard scores an equally fat deal? Not suprising considering how many stupid, soap eating retards listen to, and believe in, every hateful lie that spews out of his shithole of a mouth on a daily basis.

  4. Patrick says:

    #66 “I’m just not sure how anyone can argue that people who get paid like this need tax cuts…”

    Because this nation wasn’t founded nor built on the ideal that you punish success? That idea was promulgated by Marx. Next Q.

  5. Mr. Catshit says:

    #75, Patrick,

    Since you are an expert on Marx, and I only claim a passing knowledge, could you point out to us where Marx claimed, or advocated, “punishing success”? I am not familiar with that concept.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #69Are You,

    Good comment. I think you nailed it.

  7. Patrick says:

    #76 – Just read his works. He says what he says pretty clearly.

  8. #76 – Paddy-O

    >>Just read his works. He says what he says
    >>pretty clearly.

    I guess that’s your way of saying “I don’t know”, eh?

  9. SAMOLA77 says:

    Great stuff, to see people externalize who they are, I am who I am, I am happy, Rush is who he is, this is america the land of the free and the home of the brave, and the land of opportunity take advantage of it, america the best and the greatest country in the world, I wonder Why?


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