This guy is having a real bad day. Bonus: It looks like he gets tased at the end.

  1. Arous says:

    Well, it’s official then; this is just some sort of elaborate hoax.

  2. drben says:

    I vote for “real”. People got hurt with the thrown monitors. “Weapon looked to me like a T-Square used in drafting.

    Psychotic Break looked pretty real especially the second camera. God bless cell phones. Anyone have luck finding the original?

  3. LtJackboot says:

    If that woman who got hit in the chest with the crt monitor was acting, I’ll eat my hat AND vote for her at the Oscars.

  4. satman says:

    #23 Jäger, Thanks a lot . I snorted diet coke up my nose…. 🙂

  5. jim h says:

    The “weapon” is a coat rack that is originally standing by the door in front of a file cabinet in the far corner. During the brief interruption in the video, the guy gets ahold of it and you’ll see it’s no longer in front of the file cabinet. There’s something fishy about that interruption.

  6. BigBoyBC says:

    # 23 Jägermeister,

    Thanks for the translation, made my day…

  7. Jägermeister says:

    #35 – satman
    #37 – BigBoyBC

    I’m glad you enjoyed it. 🙂 Diet Coke up the nose… that got to get the tears going… 😉

  8. jccalhoun hates the spam filter says:

    ever so fake.

  9. Aaron says:

    Fake? Real? Do I care? No, because I was entertained.

  10. Ikon says:

    Reminds me of the old one of the guy throwing stuff around and you could see that the computers, keyboards, and monitors were not plugged in. Didn’t anyone else notice that the first monitor he throws has absolutely no cables attached? I watched it a bunch of times in slow-mo and there is no hesitation or jerking at all when he picks up the monitor. My vote is complete fake. The woman getting hit with the monitor could be part of the act of an accident during shooting.

  11. FlexiJoe says:

    I’ve always said that nothing good ever comes from showing up at the office.

  12. Libertican says:

    Fake or not, here are more things that put it in the fake column:
    -no women leave the room, not even the initial CRT throw victim, as a guy I would have been overly protective of the women and escorted them out if they were willing
    -the cubicles are sardined together with chairs back to back even with no one sitting in them
    -the camera date/time graphic has a background, I am no video expert but aren’t they usually superimposed over the video image, could be wrong
    -I know its not the US, but the business dress attire is a little too formal for a sardine cubicle farm with CRT technology
    -what company approved the release of a security camera feed so soon after the incident, if the phone video was released to youtube, I wouldn’t release more damaging video for people to critique

  13. RadioNed says:

    @23… Jager, that translation rocks! just needed some Heat Vision & Jack to the rescue.

    Hi larious

  14. ChuckM says:

    Complete total Fake. I’ve watched it twice and I can still list from memory the problems.

    1. Guy knocks over paper, steps back on purpose.
    2. Women barely get’s hit yet is hurt.
    3. Guy has no troubles picking up monitors, not plugged in.
    4. All the dividers are not connected, so easily pulled out.
    5. Has to be the worse ‘stage fight” with the small guy somehow managing to grab the bar and wrestle it off him. Worse than high school play. If you wrestle a bar off someone, he keep holding and maybe use it on the guy yourself.
    6. Small guy gets hit in the head with what? Paper? Oh my, he’s holding his head he too must be hurt. Ya, right.
    7. Everyone is doing a good job standing out of the way of the camera.
    8. Overhead camera is dead center on the guy freaking out. Thank goodness it all stays in frame.
    9. Guy’s “slip” at the end before being “taken down” is the worse fake slip I’ve seen. Good thing they wait till he lands before the “rough” him up by putting him on the floor.
    10. I doubt two guys would wait for him to fall, he’d be taken out while he’s standing up there.
    11. Guy gives up way too easily.

  15. zzzzz says:

    I used to put those partition together. They are screwed in tight, and they don’t easily come apart.

    What a dump place to work for. I would have gone out like him on 2nd in that place!

  16. FrRalphZ says:

    Obviously what happened here is that they upgraded this guy’s PC with Vista. That would explain everything.

  17. Ooboontoo says:

    A bit more about this from Live Journal. (this guy seems to post a lot about the horrible working conditions at Yellow Pages). This basically sums up what I mentioned above, but adds a bit more about the company. It seems that newspaper Kommersant has recently singled out Yellow Pages as a place with a very poor “psychological climate”, as well as a financial mess. Swedish businessmen have taken over and barely speak any Russian.

    It should be noted that the employees in the cellphone clip are actually speaking with Moscow accents.

  18. Ikon says:

    Well, no wonder he didn’t get his commission: none of his computer equipment is plugged in ! 😀

  19. Eden says:

    Fake. No one tried to stop him? No one ran away? It was entertaining, but clearly staged. What office has big pie charts and graphs on the wall? Not buying it.

  20. eyeofthetiger says:

    People often disassociate when in a sudden violent situation, therefore, people standing around with a dazed glare not sure what to do is not uncommon. The fact that there are crt’s and cubicles that are not screwed in tight does not mean the event is staged. Only reason I get the quaint feeling that this was a staged event is that in Russia strange staged events are a huge fad. In any case if I seen someone throw a monitor at a lady like that they would not be walking out of that office.

  21. Robert Barr says:

    I’ve done that! 🙂

  22. Ooboontoo says:

    So you’re saying that you’d run up and try to subdue a raging maniac? You’re a heck of a lot braver than I am. 😀

    I don’t know if I can believe it or not. The first monitor doesn’t seem to have the cord attached at all (unless it’s just not screwed in – come to think of it, I never used to screw those cables in either), the second (?) that he throws actually seems to be attached to the cable, as it flies a bit and then seems to meet some resistance. Oh well, real or fake, it’s got us talking. 😀

  23. Geoffrey says:

    Why did you entirely censor my last comment on this topic, Dvorak?

    Your excessive moderation is evil.

    [Probably got caught in the spam catcher. If we remove something, we let you know. Sorry. – ed.]

  24. briantw says:

    As much as everyone likes to yell, “staged!” this is clearly real. Too much damage to property, and the people’s reaction is very realistic. The stunts are also too dangerous for a silly farce vid.

  25. Mister Ketchup says:

    #55 – Uh Geoffrey, where have you been? This is Dvorak Censored, don’t let the title fool you. And for God’s sake don’t call James HIll a flaming asshole.

    [Just because you get censored all the time is no reason to get pissy. – ed.]

  26. Never understood why people hated working in cubicles until I got a new job in march. It is so bad I had to start my own blog, but have been too depressed to be creative enough to add more content. (I’d love to feature guest cubicle bloggers) Even if that video is staged, I totally understand anyone who would lose it like that (not that I ever would of course 🙂

  27. bobbo says:

    #58–Cubicle==nice website.

    Makes me appreciate the fact I have liked all the jobs I have had.

    My first real job was cleaning out the poop underneath chicken cages. Did that for 3 years and worked my way up to driving the dump truck to the field where we dumped the chicken shit.

    After that another 3 years with the USPO–both jobs were basically “outside” with many details left to my own discretion.

    Maybe that is what is lost in the cubicle world–giving the worker freedom to select details?

    If you don’t like your job, find another one, although indeed, it can be a challenge. Learn to daydream while looking intent?

    I would delve into your website, but I don’t want to get depressed.

  28. Leo says:

    That is real. I have been a police officer and that is exactly how people act when they go off the deep end. The reaction of everyone around him is typical. Some will say to let him alone, others will want to approach him but not want to get hurt. If that happened if from of you, trust me you would hesitate to react as well. Having detained many crazies in New Orleans, I also hesitated at time to walk up to someone like that to stop them. Crazy people often have higher level of strength when ramaging. It is very scary and dangerouse to confront these people. I know because I have did it. Sometimes police have to kill them because they can not be controlled before they attempt to kill someone.


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