Vaspers the Grate: bloatosphere: bloated with anti-blogs — I’ve been communicating with Steven Streight because I want to mirror a few of his essays on blogging. I was hoping to do it later than soon so I could get organized, but then he came up with this post. Now I have to immediately link to it. It’s yet another excellent analysis of the scene without the usual “blogging will save the world” and “everyone should be a blogger” and “blogging is the new journalism” crap. Just excellent observations. A good read.
And I think bloatoshpere may be his coinage. Admirable.
“pseudo-blogs” (also known as “proxy-blogs”) = blogs created by ad agencies or marketing professionals, who charge a sucker, I mean, client to design, ghost-write, maintain, and promote it.
It is “pseudo” because the voice posting is not the authentic, candid, personal voice of the alleged blog author, but rather a hired hand. Thus it is definitely *not* a real blog and never can be, unless the client fires the ghost blogger and starts posting his own thoughts in his own words.
It’s acceptable practice to help a client to compose posts, to edit them, or to write some sample posts just to show the client how to do it. But to ghost a blog, this is not authentic or credible, IMHO. Others may disagree, but I see no good reasons for ghost-blogging. If a CEO can’t blog, he should find someone in the firm who can, who knows the industry, products, and customers well.
Like he said though. It’s not a blog if it’s being ghosted.
I also wouldn’t consider all these “political blogs” from places like CNN blogs though…
‘If the Information Age was passive, the Participation Age is active.’ From Jonathan Schwartz’s Sun weblog 4-4-05
The idea here is, ‘It’s not about bringing the competition down, it’s about driving global participation up.’
I think participation will be driven by competition. Sun aims to lower the cost of computing, lower barriers to entry that are consistent with their history.
Then it becomes a global political matter.
Fear, uncertainty and doubt from Microsoft.
Speaking in Microsoft’s Asian Government Leaders Forum in Singapore, Ballmer reiterated the controversial claim that Linux violates more than 228 patents, according to Reuters.
‘Someday, for all countries that are entering the WTO (World Trade Organisation), somebody will come and look for money owing to the rights for that intellectual property,’ Steve Ballmer at Microsoft reportedly said.
The top guys of the tech world get so emotional about software, as if it were an opera. Everybody is going to be suing everybody over Linux and all hell is going to break loose if Linux and open source keeps growing. The day will come when you guys will be sorry for spreading that Linux! Yea right, the corporate lawyers and suits are going to stop Linux in its tracks and make the world pay legal fees. I’ve been using the English language all of my life, but somebody has a claim on it…next! I was participating in speaking English before the Particpation Age. I’m going to lower the cost of using English and drive up global participation and not bring competition down. I’ll do this with Pittsburghese using open source translation.
Da translation is:
‘If da Information Age was passive, da Participation Age is active.’ From Jonathan Schwartz’s Sun weblog 4-4-05 da idea here is, ‘It’s not abaht bringing da competition dahn, it’s abaht driving global participation up.’ I think participation will be driven by competition n’at. Sun aims to lower da cost of computing, lower beer gartenriers to entry that are consistent wit their history. Then it becomes a global political matter. Fear, uncertainty and doubt from Microsoft. Speaking in Microsoft’s Asian Government Leaders ferum in Singapore, Ballmer reiterated da controversial claim that Linux violates more than 228 patents, according to Reuters. ‘Someday, fer alls countries that are entering da WTO (World Trade Organisation), somebody will come and looky fer money owing to da rights onnat intellectual property,’ Steve Ballmer at Microsoft reportedly says. da top guys of da tech world git so emotional abaht software, as if it were an opera. Everybody is gowen suing everybody over Linux and alls hell is gowen to break aloose if Linux and open sarce keeps growing n’at. da day will come whenever yinzes will be sorry fer spreading that Linux! Yea right, da corporate lawyers and suits are gowen to stop Linux in its tracks and make da world pay legal fees n’at. I’ve been using da English language alls of my life, but somebody has a claim on it…next n’at. I was participating in speaking English before da Particpation Age n’at. I’m gowen to lower da cost of using English and drive up global participation and not bring competition dahn n’at. I’ll do this wit picksburgese using open sarce.
The party-loving daughter of President George Bush, Jenna Bush, was in high spirits in the Big Apple at the weekend.
With a group of girls on a hen night she piled out of a battered blue minivan into 1990s themed New York club NerveAna.
There she proceeded to do what was described as “the butt dance”.
Clubbers apparently do the suggestive dance when the DJ plays EU’s 1988 hit Da’ Butt.
Google is introducing a new video-blogging service, as part of its efforts to digitise the world’s text, images and multimedia content, and make it searchable.
I’d like to see the video of these ruling class girlies piled into this battered blue minivan. You would think that they would go to da club in a limo and hang out of the sunroof, like the original rich party girls. I guess the new chic look is a battered old minivan. Once this video blogging gets ramped up, I expect you will see all kinds of video bouncing around. Hillary Duff supports Jenna Bushs skin-show!
In a potential power grab of epic proportions, President George W. Bush is working secretly behind the scenes to become the next Pope.
Bush’s desire to seize control of the Roman Catholic Church grew rapidly as Pope John Paul II’s health deteriorated, and even more so when the 84-year-old pontiff died.
“It’d be kinda cool to be president and Pope,” Bush said. “I enjoyed visiting the Vatican when Pope Paul John IV and I met before he got really, really sick. It’s too bad he died, but now somebody’s gotta do the job. Why not me?”
John, looks like cut and paste comment spam, the two comments above this one. Jerk offs, daring to pollute the comments on a post about me. I’ll get them, you betcha.
This article is now going to be published in a new book by Bob Bly.
Thanks for the link to my post, John.
Don’t you just love CSS? Ha. Digital Embodiment Simulation Telepresencing Is Coming. I”m readying myself for it via video. R U videoing? yourself I mean?