BBC NEWS | Europe | Russia tests monkeys for Mars trip — FYI
They won’t utter Yuri Gagarin’s famous phrase “Let’s go!” But the monkeys of Sochi have already proven their worth as trailblazers in space – and now they are being groomed for a trip to Mars.
The macaques will be the first to experience the radiation that poses a big risk to astronauts – or Russian cosmonauts – on any flight to the Red Planet.
The Sochi Institute of Medical Primatology, at Vesyoloye near the Black Sea, has a proud history of involvement in the Russian – formerly Soviet – space programme.
“The macaques will be the first to experience the radiation that poses a big risk to astronauts.”
I’ve never had microwaved monkey before, but bar-b-qued is quite tasty.
When the monkeys get back, one will have to say “get your paws off me you damn dirty humans.”
Thanks Chuck.
Why are we paying for their space station again?
When they dig up this dead monkey one day, some future archaeologist will ask the question, were humans descended from apes from Mars and probably get a series on discovery channel.
Hey! That’s My Uncle Michael’s best friend Sal Mineo in that monkey suit! PLANET OF THE APES RULES!!!
@#3: Sometimes people forget that Russians are not where they are on some fake basis. Some technologies are better developed there, and when it comes to the large objects in space, it would be wise to realize that they are still the leaders despite all the economic/political troubles. Space station is not their (or American) – it is international both in the name and content. Largest parts of it however, are Russian made, because of their expertize.
Another example to correct this overconfident/distorted view is the largest accelerator in USA: RHIC. Many high tech parts of it were USA built. But, when it came to the gigantic detectors: no where in the world but in Russia could one find metallurgical expertize to produce objects of that size and precision…
Hence, if Russians plan to send monkeys to the Mars, I believe that they could and will… Will it be useful? – yes even for the USA space program…
i CAN SEE A lost in space, Special..
While worring about whether they can hype up the Global Warming scare enough to convince the US citizens to give up most of their lifestyle. The UN has completely failed on another area of the environment. The protection of animal species for such exploitive political uses in space. This little venture will accomplish nothing of scientific value. But you won’t hear that from NASA. Because the US taxpayer is probably helping to pay for this fiasco. And some of NASA’s old “Project Paperclip” boys would like to see what happens to these monkeys, too.
About all that will happen, will be the monkeys will plant a Russian flag, and then die. Mission Accomplished.
PETA will all over this.
Hey, Bush would qualify to be a Russian Simian Cosmonaut, and he said we should go to Mars !!! And we won’t need his a “President” any more (not that he was ever “Elected President” in the first place !!!)
Cowards!!!!! Dont send the poor cretures to space! DO IT THEMSELVES! To be honest, its only the ESA that doesnt lie to us like the rest!