Click photo for modded video – WARNING: NSFW
Pressure was mounting on Max Mosley to quit as president of world motor racing’s governing body last night after four of the biggest car manufacturers criticised him following a newspaper exposé in which he was filmed in a sex session with five prostitutes.
An emergency meeting of the federation of world motoring organisations (FIA) was called in a bid to achieve “complete clarity” after Toyota, Honda, BMW and Mercedes-Benz issued statements calling Mosley’s position into question, using words such as “disgraceful” and “disappointed”.
Mosley is one of the most powerful men in a multi-billion pound sport which has a huge global following, and senior figures within racing have already said they think he should step aside.
The furore erupted last Sunday when the News of the World claimed that Mosley took part in a Nazi-themed “punishment” scenario with two women dressed as prisoners and others as guards.
The NOOW video has been pulled from their website. As you see above, pirate versions are not only sailing around the Web; but, video tweakers are having fun with their own mixes.
Wonder if Max will be at Practice for the Bahrain GP, this morning?
Re. Mr. Catshit
“So what??? His politics and especially those of his parents have nothing to do with his ability to do his job. From what I understand, FIA is doing quite well as are all the various racing divisions.”
Dear Mr. Catshit
I said in my post that I agree he shouldn’t be tarred by his mental parents. I said it was ironic he was the Führer of motor sport, not that he shouldn’t be. NAZI’s were also known for their efficiency. I don’t care how efficient he is or isn’t, he is a twisted f***. I know lots of twisted people but most of them don’t have the power Mosley does and don’t get to make moral rules for other consenting adults that, under his rules, don’t have the freedom to do what they want.
That said I didn’t suggest any action should be taken against him. I said you can now form an opinion based on his actions as opposed to his parents (I did and you chose not to, isn’t non-NAZI freedom grand). By the way if you had a monopoly and were supported by those that can print money you would be doing (artificially) well too (Bilderberg).
As a side point I agree with everyone that said that ‘whatever people want to do as long as they as adult humans consent’, should not be criminalized (as opposed to legal, as that implies you are being allowed to do something). The only reason it has to do with his ability to do his job (of going to lunch and a few meetings in luxury resorts while Bernie makes money) is by his own standards (live by the sword…). I think he should just stop regulating others as he seems not to be able to stick to his own rules (although he seems to have mastered gagging so I guess he is trying).
Therefore, “So what???”, so I think he is a hypocritical, sad, twisted, mental, NAZI try hard, consenting adult!?,{+*-.
I wish this was Tony George of the IRL instead of the FIA’s Max Mosley. Formula 1 has gone into the stratosphere under Mosley while Tony George has, almost single-handedly, brought American open wheel racing from its zenith to its current bush league status in the good ol’ U.S.A.
#31, LDA,
I said it was ironic he was the Führer of motor sport, not that he shouldn’t be.
And you are wrong. He is the President of the FIA. Not the Fuhrer, the President. That you use that term shows your bias of demeaning the man.
NAZI’s were also known for their efficiency.
And his politics are not the question here. For some reason, however, you seem intent on making it an issue.
…I didn’t suggest any action should be taken against him.
Nor did I.
I said you can now form an opinion based on his actions as opposed to his parents
Again, you are judging him by something his parents may or may not have done. How? By using guilt by association.
This topic came up because of his sexual escapades. As the majority of posters here have said, “who cares?” His politics and political bent are equally irrelevant. It is the freedom to believe, follow, or make your own political leanings that make democracy work. If you start denying someone because you disagree with their politics, you have lost.
Mosley has every right to be a wing nut. I might disagree intently with those politics, but this is not a political arena
#33, Mr. Catshit.
“And you are wrong. He is the President of the FIA. Not the Fuhrer, the President. That you use that term shows your bias of demeaning the man.”
Fuhrer is German for leader I was trying to be light hearted. To think I could demean the fine gentleman with a post on a blog is ridiculous and from his actions it would seem he is not averse to being demeaned.
“And his politics are not the question here. For some reason, however, you seem intent on making it an issue.”
The story introduced politics, you seem intent on discussing the ether. The issue is whether a political body (FIA) will take action against Mosley. Also as you know the NAZI’s were a political party, therefore Mosley introduced politics into the topic also not me and it would likely not be posted here had it not included NAZI themes. I introduced his ancestry as a side point.
“Nor did I.”
“His politics and especially those of his parents have nothing to do with his ability to do his job. From what I understand, FIA is doing quite well as are all the various racing divisions.”
I took this to infer that you believed I was suggesting it should effect his position at FIA. However you know better than me what you meant.
“…you are judging him by something his parents may or may not have done… using guilt by association.”
Both of my posts said I agree with the person that I was previously discussing this with, clearly showing that I have chosen not to reach an opinion on Mosley based on the views of his parents (or the video). I am however stating that by his actions he has associated himself with the views of his parents whether or not he actually shares their political opinions. Also there is no debate about what his “parents may or may not have done” as far as I know.
“…topic came up because of his sexual escapades. …majority of posters here have said, “who cares?”… It is the freedom to believe, follow, or make your own political leanings that make democracy work. If you start denying someone because you disagree with their politics, you have lost.”
– If this was not a NAZI themed escapade it wouldn’t be an issue to Mercedes etc. & FIA and wouldn’t have been a story at all I suspect.
– They all care enough to have posted comments (you care enough to point out you don’t care). Also as you know Toyota, Honda, BMW and Mercedes-Benz, FIA etc. care. I do realise “who cares?” is meant rhetorically but I am holding to your strict rule of taking everything literally.
– I guess it depends on what you mean by “make democracy work”. Did you hear the one about two wolves and a sheep democratically deciding on what to have for dinner?
– I don’t think I denied anyone (and I am not sure how I would go about it if I had wanted to).
– Lost what? I am not trying to make you agree with me. I am offering and accepting opinions.
“Mosley has every right to be a wing nut… I might disagree intently with those politics… this is not a political arena.”
– I agree.
– I might too, but I am not sure what his political views are.
– I disagree. It is a political arena, this story is about motor sport politics as they relate to the FIA President (not Fuhrer) and half the other posts on this blog are about politics (elections, police state, economy, blah, blah, blah).
Learn the difference between a political body and a governing body.
A political body, such as Congress or a Parliament make LAWS.
A governing body, such as the FIA, or Olympics, makes RULES to apply only to a specific activity. The members may be appointed, elected, or even inherit their positions.