A man who answered the phone at the home of the woman’s mother in New Jersey and identified himself as Dupre’s brother, Kyle, told the AP he did not know why Dupre would agree to be interviewed about the scandal.
“I’ve talked to my sister every five minutes since this happened, and I’m not going to comment on it,” he said. “She’s just trying to get through this.”
Dupre’s MySpace pages provided a window into her life as she went from a broken home in New Jersey to a music career in the city.
And then there was a more profitable career.
#29 – “As criminals go, prostitutes probably have less negative impact on the general population than shoplifters do.”
Ok? The STDs and related healthcare costs (usually provided at the ER at on the tax payers dime) has very little negative impact. As does the drug use that often goes hand-in-hand with prostitution. Or the social services that are provided to “unemployed” and homeless women.
I don’t think (#13) “that prostitution should legal all over the US” or anywhere for that matter. It is illegal because it is morally wrong, unhealthy, and a detriment to society. But, that’s just my view.
#27 – You DO realize that if Spitzer had an (R) after his name, nothing would be said, and they would probably be running him for veep, don’t you?
Because after Mark Foley(R) and Larry Craig(R), straight sex between adults lacks any real appeal.
#29 – As criminals go, prostitutes probably have less negative impact on the general population than shoplifters do.
Shoplifters spread STDs to johns who take them home to infect innocent family members?
Shoplifters are sexual assault victims, on average, over 250 times annually?
Shoplifter activities in the early morning hours attract other types of crime into neighborhoods, like gang activity?
I mean, just off the top of my head…
Sure, the biggest reason prostitution has so negative an impact on society is because it is illegal. It’s like drugs. Most (not all) of the negatives and the high social and economic costs will go away with legalization and regulation… But as it stands, there is no way that shoplifting has a high social cost than prostitution.
“Prostitution” covers a lot, from voluntary to out right slaves. This one is very lucky.
The slaves get beaten until they are broken and raped all three ways until sex means nothing. Often hooked on drugs, always held in terror of the owner/pimp.
They might start as a freelance prostitute, a run-away, a kidnap victim, sold by a parent or spouse, or something else.
There’s as many stories as there are whores.
# 20, Which hole do you think would negatively ImPact her future?
If every single adult citizen were required to become a gun carrying prostitute that would solve all the problems… unless it caused more problems.
hope she serves time.
Are brothels are illegal in every state in the USA? Here is Victoria Australia registered brothels are legal and are required to maintain a certain level of work safety.
Criminalizing all prostitution makes about as much sense as criminalizing alcohol. Oh wait, the US tried that too.
#39 – Yeah… We Americans are a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
Well we eat vegemite here, and enjoy it, so I’m not sure were entirely sane either.
This is what a $5500 escort looks like:
I demand MOAR pitures
#31, Giles,
It is illegal because it is morally wrong, unhealthy, and a detriment to society. But, that’s just my view.
And you are wrong.
An actor may use his body to earn living. A ditch digger may use his body to earn a living. Professional athletes may use their bodIies to earn a living. Yet a woman who uses her body to earn a living is “morally wrong”? Here, let me help you spell HYPOCRITE.
#34, OFTLO,
Sure, the biggest reason prostitution has so negative an impact on society is because it is illegal.
For the record I am happily married with younguns.
The reason there is so much unhealthy activity is that women are forced to act as sex slaves due to pimps and / or drug addiction. The best parallel was the years of alcohol prohibition in the 1920s.
Healthy attitudes will breed healthier reactions including teaching prostitutes how to avoid personal danger and STDs among other things.
#42 – Bwahahaha — That’s funny 🙂
#45, OFTLO,
Cried like a true Dodge Mini-van owner.