
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — PGA tour golfer Tripp Isenhour is charged in Orlando with killing a bird on purpose with a golf shot.

The incident happened in December when Isenhour was filming a video segment for his television show “Shoot Like A Pro.”

Prosecutors say a red-shouldered hawk was making noise, forcing a video crew to film another take. The hawk moved closer, and the golfer hit several balls at it.

A witness says the bird fell to the ground, bleeding from both its nostrils. The species is protected as a migratory bird.
The charges carry a maximum penalty of 14 months in jail and $1,500 in fines.

Gee, maybe I’ll try this the next time I have to chase kids out of my yard. What an idiot.

  1. Cursor_ says:

    He Got a BIRDIE!!!!

    I had to.


  2. Smarts says:

    I guess he never thought of maybe walking towards it to scare it away? none of the crew either?

    He must be a good shot tho! gotta give him that…

  3. Raff says:

    #1 Good thing it wasn’t an Eagle.

  4. patrick says:

    I can’t believe this kinda crap is national news. Someone kills a bird, stop the presses…

  5. jim h says:

    He kills this beautiful, endangered creature just for laughs while he’s making megabucks, then after he gets caught he apologizes like a 17-year-old. What a jerk. Glad I don’t watch golf.

  6. RTaylor says:

    Not to distract from this asshole, but the red shouldered hawk isn’t on the endangered species list. That doesn’t mean they aren’t protected. In many places the red tailed hawk are taking over their territories because they deal with deforestation better.

  7. AlphaTeam says:

    Maybe it was an accident?

  8. tchamp2 says:

    Whether stupid or not, it’s insane how freaking crazy this story has grown when it’s just a bird.

    Actual human beings were murdered yesterday all over the globe, etc, and this gets the coverage it does.

    Amazing the stupidity of the human race — to value a bird over a real life.

  9. hhopper says:

    People like oddball news. They don’t want to read about people being killed in a war, they want to read about a guy who takes shots at a bird with golf balls and a two iron.

  10. jim h says:

    #8: a bird is a real life. Different from yours and mine, but real.

  11. kanjy says:

    It says he’s being charged for killing it, but the article doesn’t say he killed it! All he did, according to the article, is give it a nosebleed. That’s not the same as killing it!

  12. Dignity says:

    Let Isenhour know how you feel about his cowardly sadistic act. His agent’s e-mail is:

  13. taxedgenie says:

    There are several news articles about this. He hit it with several golf balls intentionally. It is very inappropriate behavior for anyone but especially someone who wants to be a pro golfer.

  14. Fahrquar says:


    #8 and 9, this would be a good site for you two also. True christians like you two are too arrogant to understand that all life is valuable. If he was starving and needed food, this story would not be so remarkable, but the impunity in which he carried this out is what is wrong with it. Yes, people die every day and the media has numbed us to the point that the average story means little. It takes something like this to get our attention and create advertising dollars for them. It’s a shame that you only have enough emotion that you can only worry about 1 tragedy at a time or that maybe your capacity for caring is just that low, if existent at all.

    [Please use TinyUrl.com for overly long URLs. – ed.]

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    Ok, Now that we have given the PETA nutjobs their say, let’s return to reality.

    1st, it’s obvious to those with reasoning ability that he didn’t intend to hit or hurt the bird, just to quickly scare it away with a few shots so they could finish filming. Hitting the bird, or the branch it was on, or whatever, was a freak accident. So don’t go postal on him for it.

    2nd, I personally am not a vegetarian, so although a bird is a life, I still eat chicken. It’s just a bird, and not endangered.

    3rd, with a swing like that, he should win the PGA.

  16. Mac Guy says:

    When I was in high school, I knew a guy who topped his ball while on the golf course. The ball went into the air, took a sharp dive down, and nailed a duck in the neck. The duck let out a pathetic “ahhhhh,” turned over and died.

    Not a joke. This shit does really happen.

  17. Dallas says:

    Disgusting. I hope that goon gets boo’d everywhere he goes.

  18. Miguel Correia says:

    #8. “Amazing the stupidity of the human race — to value a bird over a real life.”

    Yes, it is amazing our stupidity and it might excessive to make a big news out of this… However, animals do have real lifes… Maybe more real than the ones humans have.

    As to comparing the death of a bird with the death of people at wars, well, that is a totally asinine comparision. Wars are not a natural catastrophe, but a human thing… A statement of how really amazing our human stupidity is. Maybe, animals that kill mostly for food and seldom for other reasons, do have more meaningful lives.

  19. ewingdweller says:

    #11 If you compare the size of a golf ball to the size of a hawk’s head and factor in that the golf ball was probably going 60-80 mph, what frigging chance do you think the bird had of sustaining just a ‘nose bleed’. Come on over to my house and I’ll hit you in the head with a bowling ball at the same sort of speed and lets see what sort of ‘nose bleed’ you sustain??!!

    For a professional golfer to say that this action was NOT intensional would expect me to check in my brain at the door. He gets paid to hit a ball as straigh to a ‘target’ as possible for a lot of money!! I hope the Fed hit hime with the maximum fine ad he is kicked out of Pro Golf!!!

  20. jbdngkjd says:

    thats just wrong, he should not have done that why wouldn’t he have just walked up to it and the hawk would have flown away



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