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Your assignment for tomorrow, students, is write the software for the flash drive. Using Google to search for the answer is not permitted.

  1. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    29…in Michigan we also get to elect regents to some of the major state universities. First, wtf is a regent? Second, I guarantee that 98% of all voters have no idea who these people are. If I have time I just vote for names that sound good. No, seriously, I don’t check those boxes.

    And don’t forget proposals. Should I vote YES for the Kill Gay Whales for Jebus proposal? Hmmm.

    Oh, and voting reform laws here means that even local school boards will only have elections at certain times, so the ballots get huge.

    I second the vote for india ink and picture ballots.

  2. Canucklehead says:

    Thanks Mr. C. Now it makes a little more sense. Too many choices for most people. A lot of work to count all the votes. We have that problem at the municipal level.

    Still, I remember seeing on the news here that there were 3 hour line ups to vote in Ohio last federal election. Is that normal?

  3. jim h says:

    Canucklehead, we will probably never know what really happened in Ohio in 2004. A lot of allegations were made.

    Our problems today stem from overreaction to what happened in Florida in 2000, where a confusing ballot design turned out to be a deciding factor in an election that was already too close for our system to resolve unambiguously.

    Our 2 political parties are in a standoff nationally and are able – using the same mass media techniques on both sides – to force many elections to the 50.1% – 49.9% range where the system can no longer function with confidence.

  4. Chris says:

    #3: Its no rumor, its true.

    Good sites for people who are concerned about election fraud:

    The first is a bit easier for a first timer. The second has a huge amount of info and research on this subject.

    And the Video “Hacking Democracy.” is an eye-opener.


  5. RBG says:

    31 OBOB The more people there are to elect the less anyone can analyze each candidate’s position and the more one must then rely on the influence of advertising and thus the easier it is for rich guys to get elected. That’s why the rich love democracy.

    Whoa. Did I just write that?


  6. MikeN says:

    It’s easier for rich guys to get elected if you make it harder for poor guys to raise money from rich guys.

  7. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    “…the easier it is for rich guys to get elected. That’s why the rich love democracy.”

    Well, they love the part about democracy getting them elected. But after they’re in, their office doors mysteriously close to the rabble who voted them in, and thereafter only open to those worthy constituents who can demonstrate a 7-figure net worth or better, and a willingness to cough up with some of it for services rendered.

    That part about democracty also meaning representing the interests of all those people is so 1800s and so inconvenient.

  8. RBG says:

    THC: “…and a willingness to cough up with some of it for services rendered.”

    If you’re suggesting bribes, the problem with that take on things is that the next logical step is for the briber to forever extort “services rendered” from a politician with hard evidence that they took a bribe.

    Sting operations and even reality TV shows would also expose such common practices if true. Of course, I suppose it’s quite possible to be a fair bit more subtle.

    In the end, let me paraphrase the adage that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others. Though I have to admit to some doubts.


  9. Mike Drips says:

    We need to insist that all electronic voting machines have WiFi so that we can manipulate them without having to get out of our car.


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