This is a somewhat old story, but interesting nonetheless.

Hotties in the sky – An Ecuadorean airline has come up with a risqué way of attracting customers – they have put models in lingerie in the aisles.
Ícaro airlines is putting underwear fashion parades on several national flights for a two-week special.
All passengers on Ecuador’s most well-travelled route from the capital Quito to the port city of Guayaquil will be treated to a 10-minute sky-high show.

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    If we go down, I’m grabbing one of those floatation devices.

  2. Bobby Simpson says:

    Hey Dvorak, I just listened to your podcast Cranky Geeks and have some relative info you might like to know. I went to Putnam City High School in Oklahoma City, OK that had a scandal involving students that changed grades in the school system in 2001. They changed grades for around a dozen students and I believe some of them paid. When they were caught, only one student was suspended for a semester and the school was unable to prove anyone else was involved. No criminal charges were filed either. That’s a pretty big different compared to the situation you talked about this week. Adios.

  3. Awake says:

    And American Airlines won’t even pass out nickel bags of peanuts.

  4. GigG says:

    While the view down the aisle is much improved I really don’t want to be sitting by some guy while he enjoys the show.

  5. mandarin says:

    So far the only people who are too excited are the photographers. How do you enjoy a show with all those clowns covering your view?

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    As much fun as that would be, and as many flight attendants as I would like to see without a layer or two of clothing, imagine the nutballs it would attract. No thanks.

  7. bill says:

    Imagine how Southwest Airlines would treat this?

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #3 – #4 – #6 – Thanks for offering a voice of reason… I sure don’t want to fly Ecuadorean Airlines…

    Of course, I wasn’t gonna fly Ecuadorean Airlines when I realized they were from Ecuador.

  9. mark says:

    I am seriously reconsidering my position of flying.

  10. mark says:

    How can the pilots fly when they are constantly looking in the rear view mirror?

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #10 – Maybe not all men turn into jibbering drooling idiots when they see a skinny woman in underwear?

  12. mark says:

    11. A theory I would not like to put to the test.

  13. Jeff says:

    #12, you do know that there are gay pilots?

  14. mark says:

    13. Of course, they would be the one critiquing the models.*


  15. jdm says:

    How do the models change their outfits in those tiny bathrooms?

  16. John Paradox says:

    If we go down, I’m grabbing one of those floatation devices.
    Comment by The Monster’s Lawyer

    I thought they came in pairs.


  17. dietrich kersten says:

    Old news John, I’ve already seen ads for “mile high” dates on the AirBus 380. departing Schiphol (Amsterdam) to some citys in asia.

  18. AdmFubar says:

    Wow! these gals really know how to work a runway…
    I bet they get through security screen far quicker too..

    Wonder what they do on the tarmac???

  19. snharden says:

    Hey Mr. Dvorak. Why can’t you subscribe to your RSS fedds anymore? Your feed isn’t working in IE or FF. Whats up with that.

  20. tallwookie says:

    ya know – I hate airplanes… they’re cramped, crowded, hazard-ridden and the food sucks. Plus, its basically a flying bomb that you pay to ride in (not unlike a disney ride)…

    But DAMN!!!!! Lemme on THAT plane!!!! How much for sexy time?!?


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