If you see this vehicle around London be sure to run after it. Google is using it to make the ‘Street View‘ of London. That way you can guarantee that you will appear in as many pictures as possible.

  1. ghm101 says:

    just one more camera in this city

  2. Big Brother says:

    Check out this list of the “alleged” Google Street View privacy invasions already discovered in the US:


    There is even a Google Street View capture of a woman going in for an HIV test!

  3. Ben Waymark says:

    I hope they remember to pay the congestion charge….

  4. joshua says:

    #3…If they don’t Ken will personally arrest them.

  5. crash course says:

    Given the Google founders support of electric cars I’m surprised it’s not electric… would have saved them money on the congestion charge!

  6. Google sucks. It’s invading our lives virtually….

  7. Chicago Man says:

    I first heard about Google Street View on Jay Leno and thought it was actually just a joke (He mentioned it in his opening jokes). Darn. Google is starting to get scary.

    When is this black beattle coming to Chicago? I’d make sure I’m not in the City. I’d be in Standord where those girls are. 🙂

  8. In the above pictures camera is mounted on top of Volkswagen Beetle cars. The camera uses 11 lens and it is capable of capturing 360 degree photos. Click here for the car spotted in USA

  9. Anonymous says:

    Im hanging out with a street view employee right now.

    You are ALL just, so incorrect.

  10. thomas says:

    an he is holding a gun to your head? 😉

  11. Jonathan says:

    Seen two of these around London now… aaaaggghhhh, there’s no escape. It’s when they have the live feeds that I’ll start getting really paranoid.

  12. gerdy252 says:

    Just spotted a Black Astra with Google on the side and a huge pole/camera atop, on the Hammersmith one way system.

  13. sniffsmith says:

    I was very curious how are they making the streetviews and I had something in my mind but sure it wasn’t this.

    get voip services

  14. Chris says:

    We have beaten Google to it! London Street Level View now Live on our maps, check out the Link!

  15. Is the beetle still out there today. I can see you post here dates back more than a year ago and I’m not sure why the he** would Google just do that and for what purpose.

    For a while I thought it would just be my head turning around here in Dubai upon seeing atlantis replica. Hoooooh that beetle sure have a lot to 360 here if that happens.

  16. Nabil says:

    Where is Street View available

  17. NAS says:

    TXi is a partner of Immersive Media

  18. A Pass 4 U says:

    Nabil you can find street view by clicking on the character in google maps. This car actually looks more decent than the one i saw driving around Essex UK last year (2012) it was a beaten up ford saloon.


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