Of all the cameras I’ve used over the years I’ve always been somewhat amazed by the Kodak DC-50 sub megapixel camera. There was something peculiar about the lens/CCD combination that made it produce quite stunning pictures that, to this day, are nearly perfect for the web. Although it’s an older clunky design with no preview screen, it excelled at flattering headshots. You can probably get one for $25 used. I think they were close to $1000 when new. The image produced was 756×504 compressed in a proprietary JPG-like format called KDC. (Kodak digital compression). Most good viewers can see KDC files and convert them as needed.

a few 1996 images from a now cheap DC-50.

My engine

Alvy Ray Smith when he worked for Microsoft

John Sculley in 1996

Click HERE for full blog.

  1. Jack Olmsted says:

    Actually, the Kodak DC-50 can be picked up for $.99.

    Shipping $20
    Insurance $4.59

    EBay Item 3877539554

  2. yorkpaddy says:

    I know your a big fan of digital photography. Where do you go for information about it online. I found this really good site http://www.kenrockwell.com/tech.htm I was wondering if you had any others?

  3. michael cuthbertson says:

    I like the engine.
    What chassis did you put that sucker in?
    A long time ago, a friend wanted to put something like that in my yellow ’53 Willys Jeepster.
    That would have been a one way trip to the Organ Factory.
    Sculley, on the other hand, looks like he just got back from
    his Alien 101 class on “How to Pass For a Human”.
    Either that or The Manhattan Center for Vaginal Surgery got
    ahold of his eyeballs.

  4. Hank says:

    It’s always nice to hear about an oldie-but-goodie.

    I feel the same way about my old Tandy 102. I’ve had lots of computers since then — and a few before — but none that I think of so fondly.

  5. K B says:

    I’m having trouble parting with my first digital camera, a Kodak DC-240, which was 1 Megapixel.
    It has sentimental value because of the wildlife I interacted with it, takes very nice pics, and is ergonomically a delight as well.
    By the way, John, if your DC-50 ever locks up (won’t turn on, shuts down and won’t come back on, etc.), it may not be dead. I’ve had this happen with my DC-240 several times, and the first time I thought it had given up the ghost.
    All of the Kodak DC cameras are said to have this problem, and here’s a link in case you ever need it:

  6. I recently purchased a couple of Apple’s own Quicktake 100 cameras and went around taking pictues with them.

  7. Keith Alioto says:

    re: eBay Item number: 3877539554 I got it! Going to let the kids take pictures with it along with our other Kodak, the

  8. Nice to see the DC50 remembered, here (if not recently). It was my first digital camera, and I still like to take it out for a spin, once in a while. It’s a great conversation starter!


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