
Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything.

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  1. deowll says:

    I wonder how badly those left holding Detroit bonds are going to get reamed? Anybody that would buy their bonds or loan the city 2 cents is insane.

    There are some more big blue state cities going down the drain and this should be sending a message to potential lenders/bond buyers.

    By and large people are moving to red states from blue states because that’s where the jobs, such as they are, are because the barriers to doing business and costs of doing business are lower. The down side is the people moving most likely are big government, welfare state fans, that will vote to ruin the places they are moving to the same way they messed up the places they are moving from.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Like anybody can afford the logistical nightmare of moving…

      • Guyver says:

        Like anybody can afford the logistical nightmare of moving…

        It’s called a relocation package. If you’re worth it and you go looking to work for a big employer, it shouldn’t be a big deal.

    • Guyver says:

      The down side is the people moving most likely are big government, welfare state fans, that will vote to ruin the places they are moving to the same way they messed up the places they are moving from.

      That would be my concern as well. I’d be afraid of Texas becoming liberal due to a mass exodus of Californians looking for tech jobs in Texas and then vote for the same garbage that got California in the predicament it’s in now.

      • Uncle Patso says:

        Texas become liberal? That could take a while.

        Where are most of the tech jobs in Texas? Austin.

        What is the most liberal part of Texas? Austin.

        Result: little change.


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