You’re toast!

The Vatican has appointed an American bishop to rein in the largest and most influential group of Catholic nuns in the United States, saying that an investigation found that the group had “serious doctrinal problems.”

The Vatican’s assessment…said that members of the group, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, had challenged church teaching on homosexuality and the male-only priesthood, and promoted “radical feminist themes incompatible with the Catholic faith.”

The sisters were also reprimanded for making public statements that “disagree with or challenge the bishops, who are the church’s authentic teachers of faith and morals.” During the debate over the health care overhaul in 2010, American bishops came out in opposition to the health plan, but dozens of sisters, many of whom belong to the Leadership Conference, signed a statement supporting it…

The verdict on the nuns group was issued by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which is now led by an American, Cardinal William Levada… He appointed Archbishop J. Peter Sartain of Seattle to lead the process of reforming the sisters’ conference, with assistance from Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki and Bishop Leonard Blair, who was in charge of the investigation of the group.

They have been given up to five years to revise the group’s statutes, approve of every speaker at the group’s public programs and replace a handbook the group used to facilitate dialogue on matters that the Vatican said should be settled doctrine. They are also supposed to review the Leadership Conference’s links with Network and another organization, the Resource Center for Religious Life…

And while the Vatican was investigating the Leadership Conference, the Vatican was also conducting a separate, widespread investigation of all women’s religious orders and communities in the United States. That inquiry, known as a “visitation,” was concluded last December, but the results of that process have not been made public.

Just in case you’re thinking of doing something other than obeying.

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    May the forks be with you.

  2. dadeo says:

    The world’s ultimate good-ol-boys-club-cult slapping down some free-thinking female devotees – just more good press for the pervs. The [em]war on religion[/em] I’ve been reading and hearing so much about in the news seems to be a civil war. It must take some powerful brain-washing to still be following these creeps’ orders.

    • dusanmal says:

      That is the core of the issue: “…to still be following these creeps’ orders…” – if they do not wish to follow Catholic teaching and order, please leave and stop pretending to be Catholic. No one is forcing anyone to be Catholic, even less Catholic nun. So, why are they staying “in” and applying doctrine in clash with the institution? – to falsify and corrupt, no other reason. Go form your own religion with morals and practices you approve, that is at least trivial in the USA.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Hey dadeo–I’ve been waiting for someone to reply to one of your posts. For a while, I’ve been wanting to tell you to stop being a buzz fly, to land, and to really sink your proboscis into the meat of an issue.

      You finally did, and “vi – ola” you got a response. Never thought it would be douche-anal though. Thats kinda sad.

      But yes==the age old issue of federalism/freedom is raised in another context: just exactly who/what is the Catholic Church? Is it we the People, or we the 1%, or only the One?

      Douche-Anal==fascist in chief. Submit==Obey==Turn off your Brain. He demands “good catholics” submit to authority just as he demands good citizens submit to the authority of the Teapublican Crackpot Party.

      Astounding people like this exist. No wonder our system of politics doesn’t work.

      And this issue isn’t about the faith at all. Do you recognize that Douche? Its is in fact an issue of politics, or sexual politics. Pass the child along and chant: Amen.

      • dadeo says:

        Hey dadeo–I’ve been waiting for someone to reply to one of your posts. For a while, I’ve been wanting to tell you to stop being a buzz fly, to land, and to really sink your proboscis into the meat of an issue.

        Maggoty meat wrecks morale..

  3. AdmFubar says:

    Nobody expects the American Inquisition! Biggles, get the comfy chair!!

    is it me or does this pope look like the emperor from the star wars movies???

  4. god says:

    Not bad. Only half the Christian Defenders League here. Relying on non-sequiturs. Still avoiding answering questions asked of theocracy. Still afraid of honesty. Afraid of women, too, I guess.

    Just like the pope.

    • dusanmal says:

      It is not theocracy but religion free to join or leave. Problem here is in falsification: these woman claim to be Catholic, yet act with intent opposite to the Catholic doctrine. No one is forcing them to stay Catholic. They are free to leave and apply theology of their own invention 24/7. If they want to stay Catholic, they can’t be “Catholic”. Rules are clear, much more than in the rest of the society. And again – absolutely no one is making them stay, neither the church rules not the law of the land. So, trivialized , they are schizophrenic. Sane person who opposes the rules of the organization would leave.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Say Douche-Anal==why aren’t these false Catholics masquerading in their life long devotion as Nuns FREEEEEEEEE to change the non-faith based doctrine of the Catholic Church? It was after all changed in the first place from what it initially was.

        Believe the World is Flat—or you aren’t a good Catholic? That doctrine changed.

        Are you a flat earther doucheanal? Such a toady for authority. There are formal standards/goals/guidelines “desired” by the Catholic Heirarchy having NOTHING to do with the faith.

        When knuckle draggers like you argue for this antediluvian mandate, your participation in the human race is equally suspect. What are you, a retire inquisitionist?

        Ha, ha.===I claimed doucheanal was human.

        How low the standards have become.

        Silly Hooman.

  5. chuckie says:

    Pedro sounds like he gets his news from My Weekly Reader. 10th grade edition.

  6. So what says:

    “serious doctrinal problems.” Well there is your problem, eliminate the doctrine and you eliminate the problem.

  7. Yaknow says:

    What the picture of the pope is missing is the blue lighting coming out of his finger tips, the red glowing eyes. I guess in the picture he is just heartily teasing to use the dark side of the force on the rebellious nun order.

    I am not sure why the Church is upset about the nuns accepting homosexuality, the Church has been practicing that for centuries.

    The nuns should know better, the last time women spoke out against the Church with “feminist” ideas, the Church called it witchcraft and started burning women at the stake.

    • tacotrainwreck says:

      It’s ok to practice homosexuality as long as you claim the devil made you do it.

  8. cherax says:

    He looks like Hannibal Lecter…

    “can you see the blood of the lambs, Sister Clarise…”

    About the only good thing the Catholic church has done over the last few centuries is provide a safe haven for large numbers of male homosexuals. Unfortunately, since Catholic doctrine considers homosexuality a sin, the church has had to take the absurdly hypocritical position of railing against it in public while its clergy practice it in private.

    Perhaps the nuns were just getting tired of the hypocrisy.

  9. Lynn says:

    This is nothing new, just a continuation of what the man did as Cardinal Ratzinger prior to his elevation to the papacy. Put the name “Sr. Jeanne Grammick” in your search engine for an example. I’m surprised he waited so long (actually, the investigations have been going on for nearly two years now).

    A longer article on this subject in my morning paper mentioned the the head of the LCWR made a comment at a meeting about “women religious moving beyond the church.” The theology of religious communities (men’s and women’s) is that they are a gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church. The issue of who controls religious life is a longstanding and interesting one. Check out the lives of some truly heroic women like Hilda of Whitby, Julian of Norwich, Teresa of Avila.

    I always wondered why so many famous women from olden days had the same middle name: “of”.

  10. Silenus Zarkoff says:

    The real question here is that will the Pope respect the free market economy and American precedent and outsource the detention and torture of the nuns? That should create jobs, perhaps a few I wouldn’t mind applying for. I’ve always wanted to make a nun kneel on rice…

    • Lynn says:

      My dad used to tell me his grandmother punished him that way. Must be a European thing. I used to tell my dad that he must have been a really bad kid.

  11. NewfornatSux says:

    We also have state universities telling campus Christian groups they must non-Christians as members and leaders of their group.
    Vanderbilt did this, and is now being threatened with defunding by the state. They responded with threats not to run TennCare any more. So basically if you don’t let them annoy religious groups, they won’t give medical care to poor people.

    • tcc3 says:

      Vanderbilt is a private school.

      Please link to something remotely resembling anything you just claimed.

      • tcc3 says:

        Took me a minute to dig up the vague, agenda driven article you must have read on The National Review Online.

        I find it amusing that the right rallys behind a private organizations (like the Church or the boyscouts) right to set its own policies. But when an organization you don’t like does it affecting christians, suddenly its discrimination, and must be stopped.

        I guess hypocrisy its its own form of logical consistency.

  12. tacotrainwreck says:

    Don’t Catholics have their own country? If they’re tired of global cultural influence threatening their closet homosexual frat party, maybe they should just all go there and stay there?

  13. Anonymous says:

    I’d like to know why I should even CARE!

    …That is, unless TAX DOLLARS are being spent on these IDIOTS and their IDIOT PROGRAMS!

    • Pays2Think says:

      Actually you are spending tax dollars indirectly. The Church is tax exempt which means they get the benefits of public infrastructure Police, Fire, Transportation, National Security etc.etc.etc. all on the taxpayers back.

  14. msbpodcast says:

    Religion is the opiate of the masses -Marx

    Or to give the quotation in context, Marx wrote: Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.

    Basically its some dude, its always a dude, telling you that your compound fracture isn’t worth whining about, and either you cough up some dough or he’ll send his goons for your other leg.

  15. farmits says:

    The photo depicts pure evil.

  16. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Having dumped my load on doucheanal, I’ve had a little time to decompress.

    I support the Pop in this latest round of oppression and alienation.

    What else can better destroy the Catholic Church than this kind of rot from the inside running free?

    What these all too passive Nuns should do is write up their complaints and nail it to some churches door? Best done in Wittenberg? Throw some rice around as well (whatever that means).

    Same with the TeaPublicans. Very telling how they have power and influence>>>>appealing to the stupidity and emotions and fears of the masses – – until they get any actual power, implement their policies and vi-ola the public reacts with 80% shock, horror, recalls, and reformations.

    “I didn’t realize when I voted to cut my own throat that there would be repurcussions to me. I thought only those other people who deserve it would be affected!”

    And thats what reality is==that thing that bumps you in the nose when you think there is nothing there.

    Stoopid Hoomans—you actually deserve this misery. Good Catholics. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA. Hell on earth is your goal. Enjoy the fruit juice.

  17. Lux Occulta says:

    I don’t get the problem? The pope is simply repeating what our Good Lord said through Timothy

    11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.

    1 Timoth 2

    Oh how I love the bible and its wisdom…

  18. Dallas says:

    This reminds me to see if ‘Silence of the Lambs’ is on BluRay.

  19. Cursor_ says:

    No one has to stay in Roman Catholicism.

    Frankly no one should as it is the contrary to Jesus.


    • So what says:

      I met jesus the other day. He runs a lawn care business down on ash street, he was providing a quote for my lawn care this summer. He’s catholic so how can it be contradictory to him?

    • William says:

      There are plenty of things wrong with the catholic church however as a practicing Catholic Christian I love Jesus just as much as you do perhaps more because i do not assume that a baptist or a mthodist cant be true Christians because i do not know there heart. You should not assume to know mune just beuase my denomination is Catholic. I am just as much Christian as you or anyone else who believes in the trinity.

  20. Charliej says:

    Why should anyone care what a cross dressing pedophile thinks. The Catholic Church is dedicated to child sexual abuse by frustrated old men.

    • ... says:

      Yes…this is exactly what the Catholic Church is dedicated to. Brilliant analysis. You must be one of them educated folks.

  21. kevin says:

    what little boys? there’s no little boys being raped over here…

    Hey look a women is thinking for her self… Quick get her…

  22. deowll says:

    If the nuns disagree with the Pope and the traditions of their faith they have the right to walk or get kicked out. As for the rest of the people sticking their noses in this who aren’t Catholics. Take a long hike on a short pier while carrying a large rock. It’s none of your business. That includes me.

    • GregAllen says:

      So, according to you, no diversity if opinion is acceptable in the Catholic church?

      No matter how mild or reasonable?

    • Dave says:

      If the nuns or any Catholic religious walk they lose their retirement. A good friend who is a Catholic priest told me that’s the only reason he hasn’t left. Nuns and priests are not part of the Social Security system.

  23. Holdfast says:

    @deowll it is my business if children around me are being hurt and people in positions of power & responsibility are using those positions to cover it up.

    It is my business if adults around me feel that they are in hopeless positions. I want them to hear that there is an alternative. The problem is that too many people are telling me that, as an ex-RC, it is no longer any of my business. As a human being with a hope of becoming a decent one, that is my business.

    It is not my business to tell the Pope how to read the Bible. he will know it far better than I ever will. His interpretation is a bit off though. He ought to talk to someone about that – but he never will because he is supposed to be infallible on this matter.

  24. NewfornatSux says:

    There are two types of people in this world that I hate. People who are intolerant of people unlike themselves, and the Catholics.

    • quirky be thy name says:

      Is a person who hates haters a hater, therefore, hating himself?

  25. Singapore Girl says:

    I just bought a book about the history of Popes. This new guy looks like he can keep up with the nastiest of them. Why did the Cardinals have to elect such an evil looking guy?

  26. Yeah, I had my run in with this pecker head.

  27. GregAllen says:

    And these are the same creepy Bishops who oredred the GOP to ban contraceptives.

    And the GOP eagerly obeyed.

  28. Kathy says:

    Nuns and priests do pay into Social Security and Medicare.


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