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It’s a government pretending to do something for your own good, again.
Occupy Time.
Good clip. It’s time we get rid of this relic. Even if it breaks with tradition, some biblical rule, good karma or other superstitions.
The mere fact that it disrupts sleep cycles and work productivity of the 99% is not worth it.
I think we should move the clock back an hour instead of forward, for nice 4am sunrises in summer.
I think we should keep it just because it makes it harder for terrorists to coordinate worldwide attacks.
Well, that and because twice a year all my customers call up and ask us to fix their double/missing hourly readings from the oil and gas fields.
Seriously, I hate it. Dump it.
I like it, for the original reason, it gives me more daylight after work. If I could change my work hours I would, but I can’t.
SUMMER gives you more daylight, we don’t need this bullshit manipulation.
gosh durn it.. i just wasted 7 mins watching this..
uhm wait what time is it again?
I don´t love the time exchange
I think we should be ale to set our clocks back every day and get an extra hour of sleep daily. I could use an extra hour every night.
The only disadvantage would be sleeping during daylight on some nights.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day
I think they should stop changing it.
Either pick regular time or daylight saving time and stick with it. If someone has problems with when it’s dark (like the schools) have them change their schedule.
I live far enough north so in the winter I drive to work in the dark and drive home in the dark so I understand not liking no sun but honestly changing time just sucks.
I hate waking up in the dark, going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark. (I’m blind)
Instead of changing the clocks, just have work hours shift 1-2 hours in the winter months depending on latitude.
(I’m not really blind)
I hate all the switching, and would do away with it if I could. But, we should stay on Daylight time. I really don’ t care if the sun is out a 6 AM. Normal people aren’t doing anything at that hour anyway.
Much better to have more sun later in the day, even with the limited sun of winter. Back in the 1970s, we (USA) did stay on Daylight time for an entire year. It was great!
Apparently Daylight Saving Time does save some energy, which helps keep the cost of energy from rising so fast (and all the products made using energy — which is pretty much everything).
So would you be willing to Fall Back and Spring Forward for money? How much would make it worth it to you?
Personally, I’m with Rick — I like more daylight after work hours.
Get rid of it and everyone use UT for time.
We live on the same planet, let us act like it.
Measurement, metric.
Time, UT.
Language, english.
Driving, right.
Voltage, 220, 50hhz.
Cell, GSM.
Long distance flight, SST.
Long distance surface, bullet train.
Short distance flight, A330.
Short distance surface, LP articulated bus.
Standardise and save the hassle.
Time shifting is a political thing, not a scientific thing. Which means it’s worthless – get rid of it. Here’s how to do it: this fall, change the clocks back HALF an hour. Then we’re done with it – no more time changes period.
So Cursor_, what’s the advantage of 220/50hz?
More nations by a slight margin use 220/50 than any other. The next closest is 230/50 and 240/50.
Few use the US 120/60 standard.
I think we should compromise, and just change clocks by half an hour.
Or better yet: make the switch take a month and we ease the clocks forward by two minutes a day in the spring, and move them back by two minutes a day in the fall.
Wait: Still better! We follow the Winnie the Pooh example and set all clocks to be a little after 11! And then just leave them!
OK, I’m done now.
I like daylight savings time and have no use for standard time. I want daylight in the even after I get off from work so I can exercise my fat carcass outside. I’m pretty much going to end up going to work in the dark anyway on the shortest days of the year.
When I retire, I will not observe it. Period.
Let’s have leftwing liberals publically support DST, then all the rabid right congressmen and tea party fanatics will repeal every law in the USA related to it.
Remember, repealing DST oppresses blacks!
Life was so much simpler in the olden days when the earth was flat.
He is off on one of the facts:
More than just Sask in Canada doesn’t do DST.
I’m in NE BC and we don’t do DST either, we follow the Arizona TZ.