It has come to light that British spies looked at an…audacious way of derailing the man behind the German war machine – by giving him female sex hormones. Agents planned to smuggle doses of oestrogen into his food to make him less aggressive and more like his docile younger sister Paula, who worked as a secretary…

Spies working for the British were close enough to Hitler to have access to his food, said Professor Brian Ford, who discovered the plot.

He explained that oestrogen was chosen because it was tasteless and would have a slow and subtle effect, meaning it would pass Hitler’s food testers unnoticed. He went on: “There were agents who would be able to get it into his food – it would have been entirely possible…”

The oestrogen plan is outlined in a new book Prof Ford has written called Secret Weapons: Technology, Science And The Race To Win World War II.

He said the idea was just one of many strange attempts to bring a swifter end to the war. Other possibilities included dropping glue on Nazi troops in an attempt to stick them to the ground and disguising bombs in tins of fruit being imported to Germany. They also considered dropping boxes of poisonous snakes on enemy troops…

Anyone who has spent serious time with any military command on Planet Earth will immediately recognize the style of the plots in Professor Ford’s book. There is no branch of government – in any government – that can be as completely convinced of the dumbest Dodo ideas than the military.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    Well, this explains why Obama doesn’t have any balls and Michelle wears the pants.

  2. LibertyLover says:

    There is no branch of government – in any government – that can be as completely convinced of the dumbest Dodo ideas than the military.

    Yes, they came up with some wacky ideas but this is part of the brainstorming process. You throw a bunch of stuff against the wall and see what sticks.

  3. moss says:

    Shit sticks to the wall as well as pasta.

  4. LibertyLover says:

    #3, Yeah it does 🙂

  5. bobbo, there's your problem right there says:

    Too much estrogen? That would explain his emotional outbursts and refusing to listen to anyone else. I think it worked–just not in the way desired.

  6. sargasso_c says:

    No sillier than, walking slowly towards the enemy machine gunners with bayonets fixed – on the assumption that they’ll run out of ammunition. Which the British also tried more than once.

  7. GlowingApple says:

    #5, “emotional outbursts and refusing to listen to anyone else”

    Hmm, almost sounds like several of the commenters here at DU…

  8. pwuk says:

    Hmm, sounds like he had a few of those “times of the month”

  9. Somebody says:

    #5, “emotional outbursts and refusing to listen to anyone else”

    You realize he was German, right?

  10. PeterR says:

    #9: You realize he was German, right?

    He was Austrian.

  11. Miguel says:

    Hitler was not aggressive, just amazingly stupid. No medicine for that yet…

  12. foobar says:

    #11 Apparently not.


  13. gimmeafrickinbreak says:

    “Anyone who has spent serious time with any military command on Planet Earth will immediately recognize the style of the plots in Professor Ford’s book. There is no branch of government – in any government – that can be as completely convinced of the dumbest Dodo ideas than the military.” …..Says the gutless dunce who has spent exactly zero seconds in the military and knows absolutely nothing first hand.

    Yep those military dodos that thought of crazy things like GPS, RADAR, SONAR, etc, etc. Nobody uses that crap. There are untold inventions that are the direct result of military thinkers brainstorming ideas. Of course there is stupid crap in the mix.

    Unfortunately gutless moms basement dwelling trolls as yourself only see one side of a story. Go buy more tinfoil dumbass and try reading a book.

  14. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    #6–sargasso==that issue has always caught my mind too. Paths of Glory, Breaker Morant and so forth but I was thinking that Artillery killed more people than machine guns and wiki confirms that. What I didn’t know was that artillery technology/tactics was greatly improved during the war. What would tactically intelligent wars look like? Blitzkrieg all the way down?

  15. Glenn E. says:

    Actually, if anything, Hitler was the Allies’ greatest weapon against the German Army. The war would have gone much better, for them, without Hitler’s meddling. That’s why some conspired to kill him. The Allies used some of his weird supernatural beliefs against him. Printing up bogus Horoscopes and such, that he may have used to plan his war strategies. If anything, quieting down Hitler’s ego, would have allowed his generals push him around, better. So rather than martyr Hitler, the Allies tried to marginalize him. Perhaps they though a poofy Hitler would demoralize the German army. I guess they never heard of PMS rage?

  16. Glenn E. says:

    As I said…

    Hitler was the Allies’ greatest weapon. Female Hormones might have smarted him up.


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